Photonics Seminar: Vladislav Yakovlev, Texas A&M University
Please join the Photonics Initiative for a one- hour talk presented by Vladislav Yakovlev.
Convening meetings, workshops, seminars, and public programs is a key part of the mission at the Advanced Science Research Center at the CUNY Graduate Center promoting collaboration between campus-based faculty, ASRC faculty, theorists, and experimentalists across New York City.
The ASRC offers event and meeting spaces that can accommodate up to 100 guests for your next conference, reception, meeting, workshop, film shoot, or private event.
Please join the Photonics Initiative for a one- hour talk presented by Vladislav Yakovlev.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Alexander Shekhtman from SUNY at Albany, NY.
Please join us for a one-hour talk, as part of the ASRC's Converge to Transform: Interdisciplinary STEM Seminar Series, from Professor Ting Xu, University of California, Berkeley.
Please join the Photonics Initiative for a one- hour talk presented by Graeme Milton, University of Utah.
Please join us November 4th, for talks presented by Lee Swindlehurst, Zhu Han, and Marco Di Renzo from10:30am- 1:00pm.
Public access to current scientific research is becoming more critical every day. Learn how to use CUNY Academic Works to further distribute your work and help the general public understand
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Lars Konermann from the University of Western Ontario.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Shohei Koide from NYU Langone Health, NY.
Please join us November 17th, for a one-hour talk from Aditya Mohite, Rice University, hosted by Matthew Sfeir, Photonics Initiative, CUNY ASRC.
Do you know how to write papers with references embedded? How about sharing your ‘citation libraries’ with collaborators?
Join to learn from GC’s science librarian Mason Brown – set it up properly now using Zotero and save yourself hours of tedious editing!
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Scott Prosser from the University of Toronto, Canada.
Start career mapping now with experts from GC’s Office of Career Planning and Professional Development (CP&PD), Jennifer Furlong, Emily Seamone, and Donald Goldstein, who will help you map your way to the career of your dreams. Find out which careers are aligned with your values, skills, interests, and personality traits!
Join us on December 2, 2022 at 2 p.m. for a special "Communicating Your Science" event with Malcolm Gladwell, New York Times best-selling author, social commentator and host of the podcast
Join this Lunch and Learn info. session to hear from Sabrina Ladarola, Inotiv Sales Director, on how laboratory animal diet ingredients can affect brain function, tumor growth, estrogen receptor binding, and so much more.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Tristan Bepler from the NYSBC, NY.
Join to learn the principles of science communication with GC’s Director of Science Media Relations, Shawn Rhea!
In this one-hour seminar, Andrea Cavalleri, Oxford University, will be presenting a talk titled: "New Physics in Driven Quantum Materials."
Join us on January 27, 2023 at 2 p.m. for a special Communicating Your Science event with science filmmaker Tom McNamara. During this interactive talk, Tom will: Breakdown his strategies in visualizing and communicating
ZOOM EHOS Safety Training Schedule for February 2023. J Topic Date Time Meeting ID/Pass Code Cryogenic Safety Thursday 2-02-23 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM 861 8303 3722/080382 Laser Safety Training
Inaugural speakers of this spring seminar series with the ASRC's Environmental Science Initiative will include Anthony Cak, PhD, Hussain Bokhari, and Nicolas Maxfield, from the ASRC Environmental Science Initiative.
In this one-hour seminar, Yonatan Sivan, Ben-Gurion University, will be presenting a talk titled: “Hot" carriers in metal nanostructures –
when they matter, and when they do not...
Join us in welcoming the first speaker in this spring seminar series, Pilar Cossio, Flatiron Institute, for a one-hour talk in the ASRC Auditorium on February 8th.
In this one-hour seminar, Albert Polman, Center for Nanophotonics, NWO Institute, AMOLF, will be presenting a talk titled: Optical metasurface performing mathematical operations and making better solar cells.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Tanja Mittag, Member of the St. Jude Faculty, Structural Biology Department at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN.
Continuing this spring seminar series, the ASRC's Environmental Science Initiative is excited to host Maria Diuk-Wasser, PhD, Director of Graduate Studies and Professor in the Dept. of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology at Columbia University, presenting a talk on: Tick-Bone Zoonoses in the New York Metropolitan area: A Coupled Natural-Human System.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Giovanna Ghirlanda from Arizona State University.
Join this weekly seminar series to hear Professor Petra Levin, Washington University in St. Louis, present a talk titled: "Bacteria vs Environment: How very small organisms survive and thrive in a very big world."
The ASRC Environmental Science Initiative is excited to have Dorottya Nagy-Szakal, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer and Research Assistant Professor at Biotia, Inc., SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, present a talk titled: “Genomics-Based Approaches for Precision Infectious Disease Diagnostics and Future Pandemic Preparedness.”
Join this one-hour seminar to learn about new 3D visualization and augmented reality tools for your research! Summer opportunities are also available for undergraduate students.
This CUNY-wide radiation safety training will take place in-person at the ASRC Auditorium from 10am-3pm, with a midday break from 12-1pm.
An Immersive and interactive virtual experience for anyone young or old!
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Anna-Lena Steckelberg, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics at Columbia University, Irving Medical Center, New York, to present a one-hour talk titled: "Viral RNA structures as master manipulators of the cellular RNA decay machinery."
The ASRC Environmental Science Initiative is excited to have Barbara Han, PhD, Disease Ecologist for the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, present a talk on: Ecology of Infectious Disease (Machine Learning).
The topic of the upcoming 2023 World Water Day, which coincides with the UN 2023 Water Conference, will be on “Partnerships”; what better moment is there to increase the awareness of the value of water and explore innovative ways through which this partnership can contribute to further improve this?
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Joshua Levitz from Weill Cornell Medicine.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Nicholas Polizzi, Harvard Medical School, for a one-hour talk titled, “Designing ligand-binding proteins from scratch.”
In this weekly seminar series, Dianne Greenfield, PhD, Associate Professor, Environmental Sciences Initiative Earth and Environmental Sciences at the ASRC-Environmental Sciences Initiative and CUNY-Queens College, will present a talk titled: "Recent Insights to the Ecology and Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms in NY and CT Waterways."
In honor of Women's History Month, we invite you to a group-led discussion and lunch highlighting Baruch professor and author, Julie Des Jardins, and her book, "The Madame Curie Complex: The Hidden History of Women in Science," on March 31st at 1:30pm!
Join us on March 31, 2023, at 2 p.m. for a special "Communicating Your Science" event with Sean Patrick Farrell, a video producer who has worked for WIRED, The New
Join us for The Mark W. Zemansky Lecture April 3, 2023, 4:00 to 5:00 PM with guest speaker Clifford V Johnson.
Join BrainE Hour and CUNYSciCom, in partnership with the ASRC Neuroscience Initiative, to talk about science outreach and science storytelling on April 5th at the ASRC!
All CUNY STEM graduate students and faculty interested in Bio-inspired Nanoscience are invited to attend and hear talks from current NanoBioNYC mentors and fellows, and learn how to participate in future programming such as industry internship opportunities, technical training certificates, science outreach, and more.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Babis Kalodimos, St Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Join us for the 2nd Annual Sensor CAT Symposium, showcasing CUNY-wide academic-industry research and workforce development partnerships that further innovation and entrepreneurship in New York State.
Join us for this year's Bio-Inspired Green (BIG) Science & Technology symposium at the ASRC, where we'll highlight advances in science, engineering, and policy that push us closer to sustainable living.
Join us on Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2 p.m. for a media-skills building session that includes an opportunity to talk about your research with working science reporters from Scientific
In this one-hour seminar, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative, in partnership with CCNY, will be hosting: Fernando Luίs Barroso da Silva, University of São Paulo.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Catherine L. Drennan, MIT for a talk titled: "Capturing Snapshots of Metalloenzymes in Action."
It is with great pleasure that we announce the upcoming Henry Semat Lecture, which will be given by renowned physicist Professor Luis Alvarez Gaume. The lecture is scheduled for April 26
In this weekly seminar series, Shannon LaDeau, PhD,
Disease Ecologist, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, will present a one- hour talk titled: Racial Legacies, Mosquito Ecology, and Human Exposure Risk in a Temperate City.
Help us make CUNY an even better place to work by voicing your thoughts this Thursday April 27th in the ASRC Cafe!
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Yingkai Zhang, NYU, for a one-hour talk on, "Integrating Machine Learning and Molecular Modeling for Drug Design."
In this final ASRC-CCNY Spring 2023 biochem seminar, we are happy to have May Khanna from NYU College of Dentistry join us at the ASRC for a talk on, "Chemical biology, structure-based approach to targeting protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions for AD/ADRD therapeutics."
In this one- hour seminar Beizhan Yan, PhD, Lamont Associate Research Professor at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) of Columbia University wil present a one-hour talk titled: “Microplastic Distribution and Associated Pathogens and Pollutants in NYC Waterways.”
In this one-hour seminar, Rohit Chikkaraddy, University of Birmingham , will be presenting a talk titled: "Single-molecule mid-infrared vibrational spectroscopy and detection in plasmonic nanogaps."
In this one-hour seminar, Yandong Li, Cornell University, will be presenting a talk titled: "Topological Directional Coupler Based on a Designer Domain Wall."
In this one-hour seminar, Alexander Senichev, Purdue University, will be presenting a talk titled: "Quantum Photonics with Intrinsic Single-Photon Emitters in Silicon Nitride."
In this weekly seminar series, Jose Pillich, PhD, The Graduate Center-CUNY and Founder of IQSpatial, will present a one- hour talk titled, "IQSpatial: Geospatial Data Stories."
In this one-hour seminar, Dragomir Neshev, Australian National University, will be presenting a talk titled, “Nonlinear and quantum light sources from ultra-thin nanostructured surfaces.”
In this one-hour seminar, Junsuk Rho, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea, will be presenting a talk titled: "Perspectives of design, materials, and fabrication for metasurfaces."
This undergraduate programming series has been specifically developed for undergraduates participating in research during the summer of 2023. Undergraduates are also welcome to attend any additional open programming advertised on the ASRC website.
Join the ASRC Nanofabrication Facility, alongside STS-Elionix Application Engineer Lukas Stampfer, PhD, in a two-day workshop at the ASRC to overview topics including: Basic CAD and File prep with W
Join us on Friday, June 9 at 10 a.m. for the third annual "Communicating Your Science Symposium." The symposium, created by the CUNY Graduate Center's Ph.D. student-led organization, CUNYSciCom, aims
In this one-hour seminar, Igal Brener, Sandia National Laboratories, will be presenting a talk titled, "Emission Control with Semiconductor Metasurfaces: from Entangled Photons to Ultrafast Beam Steering."
Juliette Fedry Structural Biochemistry Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands Molecular visualization of cellular processes in mammalian cells New insights into mRNA translation and the dynamics
The Advanced Bio-Imaging Camp at the ASRC is a week-long summer program for high school students and undergraduates that offers an opportunity for immersion in cutting-edge imaging technologies, neuroscience research, and interdisciplinary research.
Join the ASRC Neuroscience Initiative June 13th for their “First Epigenetics Core User Group Meeting” along with 10X Genomics and Partek.
Dear ASRC Community, We are excited to announce the ASRC Pride Open Mic and Art Showcase to celebrate self-expression, identity, art and have a joyous time with our colleagues! The
EHOS Training Schedule August 2023 These are Zoom trainings. The login and Pass Code information are located on the schedule and registration is not required. After training, the instructor will
This year we’ve had the amazing opportunity to host over 90 high school and undergraduate summer students conducting research with mentors at the ASRC. Below are a number of events that will be taking place to celebrate and present the work of the students and the rest of the ASRC community. All are welcome to join and we looking forward to seeing you!
To download the seminar flier: Photonics seminar flier Antonio Ambrosio For further information, please contact: Leah Abraha
Join us for the first Biochem Seminar of the Fall on September 6th with Distinguished Professor, Rohit Pappu, from McKelvey School of Engineering at the Washington University in St. Louis!
Join the ASRC Photonics Initiative in this 4-part lecture series with Prof. Eitan Bachmat, exploring, "A multidisciplinary journey in science and technology, from airplane boarding to designing lenses in hyperbolic metamaterials
If you are interested in participating in this event or have questions, please contact Kendra Krueger at
Join us for the fall semester ASRC-CCNY Seminar Series in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign every Wednesday at noon!
Join us for the fall semester ASRC-CCNY Seminar Series in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign every Wednesday at noon!
TO VIEW THE FULL AGENDA: ASRC Climate Stress Conference Agenda Join us for an exciting event exploring the impact of climate stress on our planet, from the tiniest molecules
Join us for the fall semester ASRC-CCNY Seminar Series in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign every Wednesday at noon!
Join us on September 29, 2023, at 2 p.m. for our annual session with CUNY Graduate Center Science Librarian Mason Brown, who will be discussing how to access and use
Join us for the fall semester ASRC-CCNY Seminar Series in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign every Wednesday at noon!
Download the flyer here: 10.5 Neuro Seminar
Please join the CCNY Division of Science for the 8th Annual Sharon Cosloy - Edward Blank Family Distinguished Scientist Lecture to be held in the ASRC Auditorium. Guest speaker and
Join us for the fall semester ASRC-CCNY Seminar Series in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign every Wednesday at noon!
Integrative structural biology is a powerful approach to understand biological macromolecular systems. By combining computational methods with structural science disciplines, spatial and temporal models of macromolecular targets in their in-situ
To join or learn more about this event, please the complete agenda here: Satellite Workshop 2023_10.18 Further questions can be emailed to Diana Strickland at
Join us for the fall semester ASRC-CCNY Seminar Series in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign every Wednesday at noon!
Join us for the fall semester ASRC-CCNY Seminar Series in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign every Wednesday at noon!
Join us on October 27, 2023, at 2 p.m. for the Science of Op-Ed writing with Deb Stead, a former New York Times op-ed editor and CUNY Journalism School writing coach. Scientists
In this one-hour seminar, Stefano Gonella, University of Minnesota, will present a talk titled,
"From Maxwell bilayers to superkagome lattices.
The fate of topological edge modes under increased geometric complexity."
Join the ASRC Nanoscience Initiative in partner with Bruker for this four-day event, where presentations from distinguished research groups as well as Applications Expert, Dr. Ming Ye (Bruker) will be
Join us for the fall semester ASRC-CCNY Seminar Series in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign every Wednesday at noon!
Fall Seminar Series 11_2_Flyer
This seminar has been CANCELLED as of 11/6. Please check back for the date in which it will be rescheduled for.
Join us for the fall semester ASRC-CCNY Seminar Series in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign every Wednesday at noon!