Environmental Sciences Seminar: Róisín Commane, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University
Interactions between Energy & Environment: Measuring Air Quality & Greenhouse Gases in NYC
Convening meetings, workshops, seminars, and public programs is a key part of the mission at the Advanced Science Research Center at the CUNY Graduate Center promoting collaboration between campus-based faculty, ASRC faculty, theorists, and experimentalists across New York City.
The ASRC offers event and meeting spaces that can accommodate up to 100 guests for your next conference, reception, meeting, workshop, film shoot, or private event.
Interactions between Energy & Environment: Measuring Air Quality & Greenhouse Gases in NYC
Systems-Level Control of Structural Hierarchy
Synthetic interfacial optics with metasurfaces and 2D monolayers
Photonic Concepts Translated Into Quantum Arena
Scaling and universality in optical bistability
New mass spectrometry-based approaches to characterization of highly heterogeneous macromolecules: focus on heparin
Resilience, Participatory Budgeting and the New Civic Engagement Commission: The Role of CUNY
Lab safety training for ASRC researchers and core facility users. Contact: Aldo Orlando, aldo.orlando@asrc.cuny.edu
Glial symposium hosted by ASRC Neuroscience Initiative.
This event will feature a number of undergraduate summer research programs which place students with mentors at the CUNY ASRC and other local institutions. Many programs offer stipends and other support packages. Participants will also have the opportunity to meet with a representative from The Graduate Center's Office of Admissions, tour ASRC labs, mingle with
On the Hall effect in three-dimensional metamaterials
Elucidating Effects of Motion on Designed Fluorescent Proteins through Simulation and Improved Modeling of NMR Data
This event aims to promote and facilitate scientific discussions and exchanges among existing and future RNAscope® and Basescope® assays users from various institutions who want single-molecule sensitive detection of target expression in disease and normal tissue.
Topological quantum photonics and novel soliton physics
Topological physics: from photons to electrons
March for Science NYC is the official satellite of March for Science, a volunteer network of scientists committed to science for a common good. In NYC, we are expanding our team and programming in 2020! This information session will give an introduction to our organization and our plans for 2020, including our upcoming march and
Histone H2B ubiquitination in transcription and nucleosome dynamics
Lab safety training for ASRC researchers and core facility users. Contact: Aldo Orlando, aldo.orlando@asrc.cuny.edu
A Living Shoreline on the Harlem River: From Design Challenges to Ecosystem Services
Come share your insights on the professional development, career navigation, and networking needs of CUNY’s STEM postdocs with the goal of shaping future programs from the ASRC and Graduate Center. Refreshments will be served during a reception after the townhall so you can meet your colleagues. Please register to attend in-person or online by Monday,
Molecular insights into the progression of Hsp90-mediated kinase chaperone cycle
This event aims to promote and facilitate scientific discussions and exchanges among existing and future RNAscope® and Basescope® assay users from various institutions who want single-molecule sensitive detection of target expression in disease and normal tissue.
New York (USA) will host the 3rd edition of the Graphene & 2D Materials International Conference and Exhibition (GrapheneforUS).
Making Nature into Infrastructure: Interdisciplinary Challenges across the Eco-Techno Spectrum of Green Infrastructure
Nanoelectronic Sensors for Healthcare
Transposon Molecular Domestication and the Evolution of the Adaptive Immune System
This will be a lecture on Vagus Nerve Stimulation by Dr. Brian Kopell preceded by opening remarks by Dr. Jake Zabara & Dr. Marom Bikson.
Communicating Climate Change
Hosted by Dr. Ye He, Director, Live Imaging Core, Neuroscience Initiative, Advanced Science Research Center, CUNY Graduate Center
Functional mechanisms of dysfunctional proteins
Permafrost Thaw and Changing Cycles of the Elements of Life
Plasmonics on Two-Dimensional Materials
Strong Coupling in Polaritonic Media: Towards On-Chip Infrared Nanophotonics
Activation of the Yeast Exocyst,Tethering Complex for SNARE Regulation and Membrane Fusion
An Extraterrestrial View of a Blue Planet from a Gravity Balance Point
Augmentation of Human Cognitive Brain Functions with Transcranial Laser
The Environment Shapes the Cell
Metamaterials and Topology-Enabled Light-Matter Interactions
Heterochiral Peptide Assembly: Entry to Wonderland through the Mirror
III-V semiconductor metasurfaces: frequency mixing and all-optical tuning
Optical properties of Semiconductor Moiré Crystals
Synthetic and biological nanoparticles for cancer and inflammatory conditions
Structure and dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins, their complexes and assemblies
Post event update: The registration for this event is closed. Watch the webinar below or on YouTube, and read more about the event. For more information on how you can participate in the programs at ASRC Sensor CAT, please visit the Sensor CAT website or contact Tavis Ezell at tezell@gc.cuny.edu. The ASRC Sensor Center for
Lab safety training for ASRC researchers and core facility users. For more information about joining in on Zoom, contact Aldo Orlando by April 7th aorlando@gc.cuny.edu
Speaker: Nicholas Madamopoulos, The City University of New York For more information about this seminar, contact Leah Abraha at labraha@gc.cuny.edu
The Changing Urban Forest
Speakers will present on Advanced Computational Methodologies to Study Binding Free Eneregies of Protein-Ligand Complexes & DNA Damage Recognition and UvrB Loading by UvrA within the Nucleotide Excision Repair Pathway
The effect of COVID-19 on the graduate student; timeline towards the progress of degree and future career.
On the importance of inhibitory interactions for the exquisite regulation of neurotransmitter release
Workshop series hosted by Prof. Matthew Sfeir of the ASRC Photonics Initiative
A Living Shoreline on the Harlem River: From Design Challenges to Ecosystem Services
Workshop series hosted by Prof. Matthew Sfeir of the ASRC Photonics Initiative
Workshop series hosted by Prof. Matthew Sfeir of the ASRC Photonics Initiative
Speaker: Aashish Clerk, University of Chicago For more information contact Leah Abraha at labraha@gc.cuny.edu
Workshop series hosted by Prof. Matthew Sfeir of the ASRC Photonics Initiative
Workshop series hosted by Prof. Matthew Sfeir of the ASRC Photonics Initiative
This event is part of Converge to Transform, a webinar series exploring CUNY-wide transdisciplinary research for the public good.
The next G.S.L. meeting will take place on Tuesday (05/12) from 3 pm – 5 pm via the Zoom.
The goal is to inspire young female trainees (postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students) to pursue their career goals and learn about what obstacles they might face, as well as how to overcome them.
The third annual gathering of the CUNY biophysics community, featuring talks from CUNY faculty, students, and postdocs.
This meeting gives the opportunity for all across the CUNY Biophysics community to share their recent research results and discuss future directions.
Metamaterials and Topology-Enabled Light-Matter Interactions
A three-day virtual symposium on life-like emergent behavior in complex molecules and ensembles featuring interactive discussions, keynotes, and a Twitter-based poster session.
Surface nanoscale axial photonics
This event is part of Converge to Transform, a webinar series exploring CUNY-wide transdisciplinary research for the public good.
CUNY postdoctoral fellows are invited to join us for a career panel featuring four prominent professionals spanning industry to scientific funding.
What type of information does the CP&PD offers to support GC students and postdocs in exploring and understanding career paths and achieving their professional goals in the industry, academic, non-profit, government, and for-profit sectors.
Radiative Cooling Under the Earth’s Glow
This event is part of Converge to Transform, a webinar series exploring CUNY-wide transdisciplinary research for the public good.
This event is part of Converge to Transform, a webinar series exploring CUNY-wide transdisciplinary research for the public good.
Designed Negative Feedback from Transiently formed Catalytic Nanostructures
Please join the CUNY ASRC and CUNY Graduate School of Public Health on Tuesday, July 7 for the next session of the Thriving after Massive Global Disruption webinar series hosted by the University of Strathclyde (UK) and involving partner Universities from across the globe. Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 9:00 a.m. ET REGISTER: https://bit.ly/ThriveAfterPandemic The COVID-19
Join the CUNY ASRC and CUNY Office of Research for a virtual screening of PICTURE A SCIENTIST, a film that chronicles the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientists. Biologist Nancy Hopkins, chemist Raychelle Burks, and geologist Jane Willenbring lead viewers on a journey deep into their own experiences in
This event is part of Communicating Your Science, a series of talks and workshops aimed at helping STEM professionals publish and communicate their research.
Conformational disorder in regulation of biological catalysts
The 14th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena
Real-time quantification of gene expression with single-molecule precision in living cells
The Climate Research Exchange: Building the climate research NYC deserves
Lasso Peptide Genome Mining for New Enzyme Discovery
Join us on October 16, 2020 at 1 p.m. for a session with eLife Editor-In-Chief Michael Eisen and Nature Communications Editor-in-Chief Elisa De Ranieri, where we’ll discuss considerations for publishing with open-access journals.
In the Land of Rainbows and Unicorns: Forensic Science of a 76.4 million-year-old Tyrannosaur Mass Mortality
Probing and predicting the behavior of intrinsically disordered proteins by integrating NMR spectroscopy and computation
Dynamics and constraints of enzyme evolution
Use of groundwater-surface water modeling as an investigative tool in the urban critical zone
The Neutron Spin Echo Spectrometer at SNS and its Biophysics applications
Mechanisms of Lipid Bilayer Membrane Curvature Generation
Hydrologic sensors, real time data, and data visualizations
DNA damage in immunity and cancer
In this workshop we’ll explore what ‘engagement’ with youth and community members really means.
ecoWEIR Tech: a Nature-Based Approach for Integrated Water Management
Bacterial adaptation to shifting environments
Structural and functional studies of the temperature-sensitive TRP channel TRPV3
Development of a modified floristic quality index as a rapid habitat assessment method in the northern Everglades
This event is part of Communicating Your Science, a series of talks and workshops aimed at helping STEM professionals publish and communicate their research.
Illuminating the Biochemistry of Zinc and RNA in Living Cells
Characterizing membrane proteins in native membranes without tricks
This event is part of Communicating Your Science, a series of talks and workshops aimed at helping STEM professionals publish and communicate their research.
The intersection of the RIO kinases and PRMT5 in Ribosome Biogenesis