CUNY Nano Day, hosted by the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center Nanoscience Initiative, is aimed at bringing together the nanoscience research community from across The City University of New York to showcase research activities and promote collaborations.
This free event, which included research talks, poster presentations, and a scientific image competition, was attended by over 90 delegates from across the university system, including a large representation of CUNY graduate students and early career researchers.
Prizes were presented for winners in the categories of best talk, best poster, and best image. Dr. Rein Ulijn, Director of the Nanoscience Initiative, evaluated each of the 7 talks and and nominated a winner based on scientific content, understanding of research project, and delivery. All delegates were asked to vote for their favorite poster presentation and favorite image submitted to our image competition.
Prize Winners
‘Synthesis and characterization of Fe doped single-phase multiferroic‘
# 13 – ‘4D Chemical Nanolithography’
# 11
Presented by Frederick Pearsall
(The City College of New York)
Presented by Daniel Valles
(Dept. of Chemistry, Hunter College & CUNY Advanced Science Research Center)
Submitted by Roxana Piotrowska
(Dept. of Chemistry, Hunter College & CUNY Advanced Science Research Center)
Abstracts for the winning talk and poster can be found on our Program & Abstracts page.
Winning image from our competition can be found on the Image Competitions Submissions.
For more information, please email nanoscience@asrc.cuny.edu or call 212.413.3382