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SuperFridays are monthly scientific presentations by the initiatives meant to spur scientific exchanges across the floors. The goal of SuperFridays is to provide a forum for ASRC faculty, students, and postdocs to showcase their research, get feedback on their projects, and identify new partnerships and collaborations.
Schedule – October 24, 2018
10:00 A.M. Welcome Remarks – Dr. Rein Ulijn
10:10 A.M. Graduate Students and Core Facilities Presentations
- Molecular Photolithography, Carlos Carbonell, Braunschweig Lab
- Fabricating Structures: Complex & Simple, Vishal Narang and Jasmine Sabio, Nanofabrication Facility
- Peptidoglycan: an extreme humidity-responsive material, Haozhen Wang, Chen Lab
- Customizing morphology, size, and response kinetics of MMP-responsive nanostructures by systematic peptide design, Jiye Son, Ulijn Lab
- Combinatorial Photoresponsive Supramolecular Films, Andrew Levine, Braunschweig Lab
- Neuromorphic Devices?, Milan Begliarbekov, Nanofabrication Facility
- Energy Harvesting Devices and Spore Characterization, Zhi-Lun Liu, Chen Lab
- Customizable Nanostructure by Spontaneous Aminolytic Cyclization and Self-Assembly of Activated Dipeptides, Nadeesha Wijerathne, Ulijn Lab
- Binding Studies and Anti-Zka Activity of Synthetic Carbohydrate Receptors, Fernando Bravo, Braunschweig Lab
- Surface Science Facility, Tai-De Li
- Amino-acid encoded self-assembly for transient conducting nanostructures, Mohit Kumar, Ulijn Lab
- O2 Generation in Supramolecular Polymer Gel for Asymmetric Photocatalysis, Sankarsan Biswas, Braunschweig Lab
- Peptides crystals as water-responsive materials, Roxana Piotrowska, Ulijn Lab, Chen Lab, presented by Pulkit Singla
- 3D Lithography, Shawn Kilpatrick, Nanofabrication Facility
- Adaptive Biomimetic Pigments through Reactive Incorporating of Chemical Feeds, Ayala Lampel, Ulijn Lab
- Multiplexed Glycan Microarry Prepared with a Digital-Micromirror-Device Enabled Photochemical Printer, Dan Valles, Braunschweig Lab
- Imaging Suite Facility, Tong Wang
10:45 A.M. Poster Session – Cafe
11:30 A.M. Close