Registration for this event is now closed.

Event Description
Systems Chemistry involves networks of reacting interacting molecules. Within such mixtures, links between chemical properties and observed behavior are no longer obvious and become rich in functionality, as exemplified by ecosystems and living systems.
The symposium will bring together a diverse group of scientists who study chemical systems to better understand nature, and ultimately, to produce materials and products with new functions that cannot be achieved using traditional chemistry approaches.
9:30 A.M. | Registration Opens |
10:15 A.M. | Welcome Remarks
Rein Ulijn, Advanced Science Research Center |
10:30 A.M. | Peptide Assembly Dynamics in Metastable Liquid Phases
David Lynn, Emory University |
11:00 A.M. | Foldable Polymers
Marcus Weck, New York University |
11:30 A.M. | Break |
12:00 P.M. | The interplay of physical and chemical events in peptide-based systems
Martha Grover, Georgia Institute of Technology |
12:30 P.M. | How can subtleties of noncovalent binding be used to target “undruggable” glycans?
Adam Braunschweig, Advanced Science Research Center/Hunter College |
1:00 P.M. | Emergence of Function in Primitive Chemical Networks Out of Equilibrium
Gonen Ashkenasy, Ben Gurion University |
1:30 P.M. | Lunch
Location: ASRC, Science Café – First Floor |
2:30 P.M. | In vitro synthetic biology for controlling materials
Rebecca Schulman, Johns Hopkins University |
3:00 P.M. | Programming Nano-component Structures
Oleg Gang, Columbia University |
3:30 P.M. | Break |
4:00 P.M. | Programming Complexity into Molecular Systems
Tell Tuttle, University of Strathclyde |
4:30 P.M. | Protein phase separation and emergent material properties
Shana Elbaum-Garfinkle, Advanced Science Research Center & The Graduate Center |
5:00 P.M. | Poster Session and Reception
Location: ASRC, Science Café – First Floor |
7:00 P.M. | Close |
Poster Presentations
1 | Molecular Mechanism for the Role of the Histone Tails in Nucleosome Repositioning Kaushik Chakraborty |
2 | Encoding Hierarchical Structure within Crystals Jason Kahn |
3 | Unbiased Discovery of Dynamic Peptide-Nucleotide Complexes Daniel Kroiss |
4 | Self-assembly of Designed Nanoarchitectures via Shape and DNA-Programmability Zhiwei Lin |
5 | Co-factor Driven Dynamic Peptide Libraries Scott McPhee |
6 | Phu K. Tang |
7 | 3D Patterning of Nanoparticles by Molecular Stamping Yan Xiong |
8 | Yong Dou |
9 | Christine Wang |
Poster Dimensions:
Maximum dimensions of posters should not exceed
- Landscape Orientation: 36” x 24”
- Portrait Orientation: 36” x 48”