Home Speakers Program Twitter Poster Session Information for Presenters Organizers Follow the Event @syschem20 Contact Us nanoscience@gc.cuny.edu Confirmed Speakers Keynote Speaker Ben Feringa University of Groningen Keynote Speaker Jenn Heemstra Emory University Keynote Speaker Petra Schwille Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry Helena Azevedo Queen Mary University of London Dibyendu Das IISER Kolkata Samuel Gellman University of Wisconsin-Madison Daphne Klotsa University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Peter Korevaar Radboud University Nijmegen Stephen Mann University of Bristol Hannes Mutschler MPI of Biochemistry Philippe Nghe ESPCI Paris Sarah Perry University of Massachusetts Amherst Ayusman Sen Penn State University Pall Thordarson UNSW Sydney Lauren Zarzar Penn State University