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Nanofabrication Facility

The ASRC Nanofabrication Facility undertakes collaborative multidisciplinary projects centered around creating novel devices and interfaces. Examples of past and ongoing projects include miniature electrical circuits for quantum computing applications, microfluidic devices to create lab-on-chip platforms, microneedle arrays to interface with individual cells, micro electromechanical pressure sensors,  nano-coatings, and many others. The possibilities are virtually endless!

To create these devices we routinely use a variety of lithographic techniques that produce patterns which span eight orders of magnitude: from several nanometers to centimeters in size.

These patterns are subsequently used to either deposit materials, such as metals, glasses, or ceramics, or to etch these materials with nanometer precision.

The facility is also supported by an imaging suite, that consists of a cryogenic TEM for life sciences, a materials science TEM, a training TEM, and a dual beam SEM / FIB / Nanomanipulator system for sample preparation. For users, the facility provides an opportunity to carry out hands-on research with some of the world’s most sophisticated instruments for the fabrication and characterization of materials at the micro and nanoscale.

The Nanofabrication Facility is a highly collaborative research space located on the ground floor of the Advanced Science Research Center at The Graduate Center, CUNY. The facility is home to dozens of interdisciplinary research teams from many diverse sectors of academia and industry. Our mission is to facilitate scientific discoveries and development of new technology by providing both mentorship and access to a state of the art nano-manufacturing environment. We are also passionate about enhancing the quality of science education in New York City. We partner with local educational institutions to develop curricula and find new and creative ways to share our enthusiasm for STEM with the next generation of New Yorkers.

two researchers in cleanroom suits working in the deposition bay of the nanofabrication facilityThe NanoProject Seed Grant program was created to address the infamous catch-22 of academic research: you need preliminary data to get funded, yet you also need funding to acquire the preliminary data. The program provides researchers with limited access to the facility in order to collect data/make a device that will be used to either finish an experiment that is almost ready for publication or for a grant proposal.

  • The total fabrication costs incurred for a single NanoProject cannot exceed $1500.
  • NanoProjects may be performed either by the researchers themselves or in collaboration with Nanofabrication staff.
  • NanoProject Seed Grants are reviewed by an internal committee, and are awarded based upon equipment and staff availability at the discretion of the Nanofabrication staff.

Apply online for a NanoProject Seed Grant »

Please note: Due to the high demand for equipment use, a maximum of ten NanoProject Seed Grants will be awarded per academic year.

Complete the online application to become a user of this and other ASRC facilities.

How to Become a User

After completing the online application to become a user of the facility and receiving an approval email for your account, there are a few more steps to becoming a user:

  1. Sign up for the ASRC Nanofab Facility Newsletter.
  2. Download Badger.  To run Badger, you’ll need to edit the Java Security Exception List.  Once you open Badger for the first time, click on New Member?, fill out the form and then set a password.  If you do not already have an account number just use any generic number as your actual account number will be assigned once it is approved.  Badger accounts will be approved once all submitted forms have been processed and approved.
  3. Complete the EHOS Lab Safety training.  Training is conducted over Zoom a few times a month.
    Date Time Meeting ID/Pass Code
    Thursday, January 30 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM 891 9001 8867/836898
    Tuesday, February 11 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM 975 0640 7296/594047
    Tuesday, February 18 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM 814 2511 6883/732509
    Thursday, February 20 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM 839 2225 7083/252067
    Wednesday, February 26 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM 860 4847 6568/053418

    Schedule is updated once future trainings are scheduled.  For questions regarding the Lab Safety Training contact Thomas Dickson (

  4. Review the Lab Manuals and Policies.
  5. Complete the Cleanroom Orientation.  Orientation is conducted once a week in person by Salam Elhalabi.  Users must sign-up for orientation by 12:00PM the day before the scheduled orientation.  You will not be allowed to attend orientation if you have not received the approval email for your account.
  6. Get an ASRC ID.
  7. Contact the appropriate staff member to schedule tool training.

Sign up for the ASRC Nanofab Facility Newsletter to stay up to date on news and events affecting users.

Facility Details

Rates effective March 5, 2023

Internal Academic (CUNY) Members

  • Monthly Cap: $1,800 per month
  • Daily Access Fee: $10 per day with a maximum charge of $150 per month

External Academic Members

  • Monthly Cap: $2,000 per month
  • Daily Access Fee: $15 per day with a maximum charge of $200 per month

Start-Up Members

  • Daily Access Fee: $20 per day with a maximum charge of $300 per month

Industrial Members

  • Daily Access Fee: $30 per day with a maximum charge of $450 per month

P.S: These rates are effective as of July 1st, 2024.

Instrument / Service Manufacturer Per/Unit CUNY Rate Outside Academic Start-Up Companies Industrial Companies
Back End Processing:
Wire Bonder West Bond $ / Hour $ 25 $ 30 $ 90 $ 150
Dicing Saw Disco DAD3220 $ / Hour $ 25 $ 30 $ 90 $ 150
Film Frame Wafer Mounter Ultron Systems $ / Hour $ – $ – $ – $ –
UV Curing System Ultron Systems $ / Hour $ – $ – $ – $ –
Atomic Layer Deposition Ultratech Fiji G2 $ / Hour $ 36 $ 40 $ 120 $ 200
PECVD (Oxford PlasmaPro System 100) Oxford Instruments $ / Hour $ 45 $ 50 $ 150 $ 250
Ebeam Evaporator (AJA Orion 8E) AJA International $ / Hour $ 38 $ 42 $ 126 $ 210
Ebeam Evaporator – Organics/Dielectrics (AJA) AJA International $ / Hour $ 38 $ 42 $ 126 $ 210
Sputtering System (AJA Orion) $ / Hour $ 30 $ 35 $ 105 $ 175
Thermal Evaporator (AJA Orion 3-TH) (AJA Orion) $ / Hour $ 10 $ 15 $ 45 $ 75
Sputter Coater Cressington Scientific Instruments $ / Hour $ 40 $ 45 $ 135 $ 225
ICP Etcher – Chlorine (Oxford PlasmaPro System 100 Cobra) Oxford Instruments $ / Hour $ 45 $ 50 $ 150 $ 250
ICP Etcher – Fluorine (Oxford PlasmaPro System 100 Cobra) Oxford Instruments $ / Hour $ 45 $ 50 $ 150 $ 250
DRIE Etcher (Oxford PlasmaPro System 100 Cobra) Oxford Instruments $ / Hour $ 45 $ 50 $ 150 $ 250
Reactive Ion Etcher (Oxford PlasmaPro NPG80) Oxford Instruments $ / Hour $ 43 $ 48 $ 144 $ 240
Plasma Asher (PVA Tepla IoN 40) PVA TePla $ / Hour $ 33 $ 36 $ 108 $ 180
UV Ozone Cleaner (SAMCO UV-2) SAMCO $ / Hour $ 25 $ 28 $ 84 $ 140
Vapor HF Etcher (SPTS Primaxx) SPTS Techonologies $ / Hour $ 20 $ 25 $ 75 $ 125
Xenon Difluoride Etcher (SPTS Xactive E1) SPTS Techonologies $ / Hour $ 20 $ 25 $ 75 $ 125
Electron Beam Lithography – 50keV Elionix ELS-G50 $ / Hour $ 60 $ 70 $ 210 $ 350
Electron Beam Lithography – 100keV Elionix ELS-G100 $ / Hour $ 60 $ 70 $ 210 $ 350
3D Lithography (Nanoscribe Photonic Professional) Nanoscribe $ / Hour $ 36 $ 40 $ 120 $ 200
Mask Aligner (EVG620) EV Group $ / Hour $ 28 $ 32 $ 96 $ 160
Photo Resist Spinner Brewer Scientific $ / Hour $ 21 $ 24 $ 72 $ 120
Ebeam Resist Spinner Brewer Scientific $ / Hour $ 21 $ 24 $ 72 $ 120
Other Materials Spinner Brewer Scientific $ / Hour $ 21 $ 24 $ 72 $ 120
Scanning Electron Microscopy FEI NovaNano 450 $ / Hour $ 35 $ 40 $ 120 $ 200
Atomic Force Microscopy Bruker Dimension FastScan $ / Hour $ 30 $ 35 $ 105 $ 175
Surface (Stylus) Profilometer Bruker Dektak-XT $ / Hour $ 25 $ 28 $ 84 $ 140
Optical Profilometer Bruker Contour GT-I $ / Hour $ 18 $ 20 $ 60 $ 100
Ellipsometer J. A. Woollam V-VASE $ / Hour $ 28 $ 32 $ 96 $ 160
Thin Film Analyzer Filmetrics $ / Hour $ – $ – $ – $ –
Thermal Processing:
Furnace Tube 1 – Thermal Oxide Tystar $ / Hour $ 15 $ 20 $ 60 $ 100
Furnace Tube 2 – Annealing Tystar $ / Hour $ 15 $ 20 $ 60 $ 100
Furnace Tube 3 – LPCVD Nitride (Tystar) Tystar $ / Hour $ 20 $ 25 $ 75 $ 125
Furnace Tube 4 – LPCVD Oxide (Tystar) Tystar $ / Hour $ 20 $ 25 $ 75 $ 125
Rapid Thermal Annealer (Allwin21 AccuThermo AW610) MPT $ / Hour $ 10 $ 15 $ 45 $ 75
Chemical Hoods:
Resist Hood Air Control $ / Hour $ 5 $ 10 $ 30 $ 50
Litho Development Hood Air Control $ / Hour $ 5 $ 10 $ 30 $ 50
Solvent Hood * Air Control $ / Hour $ 5 $ 10 $ 30 $ 50
Piranha/HF Hood Air Control $ / Hour $ 5 $ 10 $ 30 $ 50
Caustics/Metal Etch Hood Air Control $ / Hour $ 5 $ 10 $ 30 $ 50
RCA Hood Air Control $ / Hour $ 5 $ 10 $ 30 $ 50
Spin Rinse Dryer OEM Group $ / Hour $ – $ – $ – $ –
Additional Items:
Tool Training Staff Time $ / Hour $ 35 $ 50 $ 100 $ 150
Non-Training Staff Time ** $ / Hour $ 80 $ 100 $ 200 $ 300
Door Charge $ / Day $ 10 $ 15 $ 20 $ 30
SU-8 Developer $ / 500 ml $ 16.63
Remover PG $ / 500 ml $ 22.88
Gold E-Beam Evaporation $ / 1 nm $ 0.98
Platinum E-Beam Evaporation $ / 1 nm $ 0.55
Palladium E-Beam Evaporation $ / 1 nm $ 0.95


* Single use charges for the Solvent Hood will be capped at $15 for internal academic members, $25 for external academic members, $50 for start-up members, and $75 for industrial members, in order to accommodate extended lift-off processes.  Note that this only applies to the Solvent Hood as lift-off should not be performed in other hoods.

** Staff members may, depending on their availability, perform some fabrication processes for members upon request.  Staff members do not generally have time available to develop full processes for members.  Members will be charged for both tool time and staff time.

For training requests, please email the tool owner listed below.

Review related SOPs and chemical safety data sheets (SDS) before your training.

Orientations are held weekly.

Ebeam Lithography Sam (
Ebeam Evaporator Salam (
Sputter Salam (
PECVD (Oxford) Rai (
ALD Shawn (
Mask Aligner Shawn ( and Salam (
Nanoscribe 3D Lithography Shawn (
Stylus & Optical Profilometer Maya (
AFM Maya (
FEI SEM Maya (
Ellipsometer Maya (
Vapor HF/XeF2 Shawn (
Furnace Shawn (
Dicing Saw Shawn (
Wire Bonder Shawn (
Gold Sputter Coater Shawn ( and Salam (
Plasma Asher Shawn ( and Salam (
Photo and EBL Spinners Shawn ( and Salam (
UV Ozone Cleaner Shawn (
Acids and Caustics Hoods Emma (

Other Policies

Cost Adjustment Requests

Fill out the Cost Activity Adjustment Request Form to request a correction to our records to make sure that you are not billed incorrectly for lab activities. Form must be submitted within one week of the charge in question.

Publication Attribution

When publishing or presenting results derived from staff and services in ASRC Nanofabrication Facility, please use the following acknowledgement:

“This work was performed in part at the Nanofabrication Facility at the Advanced Science Research Center at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York.”

For more information, please contact:

Nanofabrication Facility
Advanced Science Research Center
City University of New York
85 St. Nicholas Terrace
New York, NY 10031


Facility Staff