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Dr. Mikhail Belkin, Technical University of Munich (TUM) New Applications for Nonlinear Intersubband Polaritonic Metasurfaces: from beam shaping to THz generation Abstract - Quantum-engineered intersubband transitions in n-doped multiple-quantum-well heterostructures allow one to produce semiconductor films with very large nonlinear optical response. This nonlinear response can be further enhanced by processing semiconductor heterostructures as metasurfaces
Publishing in Nature Journals workshop. Day 1 (January 23rd) 10am-11:30am - Seminar on writing, science publishing and editorial decision making Understanding the role of editorial evaluation is crucial, especially in today's dynamic landscape where diversity is ever-present yet often overlooked. This talk will explore the three key stages of research and publishing: effectively identifying current
Dr. Giovanni Milione NEC Laboratories America, Inc. Vector Beams and Space Division Multiplexing Abstract – In this talk, I will overview two areas of my research at NEC Laboratories America, Inc.: For plane wave solutions to Maxwell’s equations, light’s polarization is understood. Not so for structured light. In this talk I’ll discuss non-trivial higher-order solutions
Simo Pajovic Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Controlling Light-Matter Interactions in Novel Emitters: Thermal Radiation, Scintillation, and Beyond Abstract - In mechanical engineering, thermal radiation is the best-known example of light-matter interactions, but non-thermal radiation is prevalent in a wide variety of applications, including medical imaging, manufacturing, and sensing. Scintillation—the emission of light
Dr. Levent Sevgi IEEE AP-S Former DL – DLPC Chair ITU - Istanbul Technical University (Emeritus) From Engineering Elecromagnetics to Electromagnetic Engineering:Teaching/Training Next Generations Abstract - The role of Electromagnetic (EM) fields in our lives has been increasing. Communication, remote sensing, integrated command/ control/surveillance systems, intelligent transportation systems, medicine, environment, education, marketing, and defense are
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Dr. Mu Wang National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, School of Physics, and Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China Manipulating Light with Optical Metasurfaces: from Classical to Quantum Abstract - This talk focuses on the interaction of electromagnetic waves with metamaterials and manipulating the polarization state of light, which are
Nonlinear Photonics in the Mid-Infrared and Terahertz Abstract – Optical sensing at long wavelengths presents significant opportunities and significant challenges. The longwave infrared and terahertz ranges are renowned for their potential to sense molecules in a variety of contexts, such as high-speed chemical imaging, disease detection, and environmental monitoring; however, their promise has yet to
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Multi-Beam Antennas (MBAs) and Beam-Forming Networks (BFNs) Abstract - Distinguished Speakers Giovanni Toso and Piero Angeletti from European Space Agency, Netherlands will present the state of the art and the on-going development in Multi-Beam Antennas (MBAs) and Beam-Forming Networks (BFNs). They find applications in several fields including communications, remote sensing (e.g. radars, radiometers, etc.), electric surveillance
Synthesis of Interactive Peptide Nanostructures in Living Systems Tanja Weil, PhD Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany Abstract- We explore controlled chemical reactions in complex living systems to generate drug molecules, synthesize peptide nanofibers, or build new cellular compartments. The introduction of bioresponsive groups enables us to control peptide self-assembly inside the living cell.
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Exact formulation of the mutual particle-cavity dynamics and its use for the study of loss threshold phenomenon under magnetization Abstract – Light-matter interaction plays a pivotal role in pushing forward nanotechnology. A particularly important setup involves a resonating particle, say an emitting molecule or a macroscopic quasi-statically resonating plasmonic or ferromagnetic sphere, that is located
Non-Abelian Braiding with Sound and Light Abstract – Many physics laws and mathematical rules are insensitive to order. For example, the addition of numbers disregards the sequence order, e.g., 1+2+3=3+1+2. However, such a commutative property does not always hold. When the outcomes of a set of operations depend on the execution order, they can become
The SBI Initiative of the ASRC presents Benjamin S. Schuster, Assistant Professor of the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, speaking on "Negative noodles, and positive ones too: Engineering intrinsically disordered proteins".
Light-Matter Interactions at the Nanoscale: Harmonic Generation from Metal/Vacuum Interfaces and Novel Aspects of Radiation Reaction Abstract – In noble metals a patina of free electrons extends out into free space and vanishes within a fraction of an atomic diameter. We discuss the possibility and consequences of the existence of such a free electron layer,
Charge-Mediated Interactions Affect Enzymatic Reactions in Peptide Condensates Ayala Lampel, PhD Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 69978, Israel Sagol Center for Regenerative Biotechnology Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 69978, Israel
Come see Associate Professor Reginald McNulty speak on the "Innovative Drug Inhibition and Unexpected Glycosylase Activity for Therapeutic Advancements" Wednesday September 11th.
Join the ASRC Photonics Initiative in welcoming Miranda Vinay, Nature Communications Engineering, for a 3-part lecture series at the ASRC!
Join the ASRC Photonics Initiative in welcoming guest speaker Kota Katsumi, New York University, for a talk titled, "Terahertz-driven nonlinear responses in cuprate superconductors," in the 1st Floor Auditorium.
Join the ASRC Photonics Initiative in welcoming guest speaker Jacob B. Khurgin, Johns Hopkins University, for a talk titled, "Photonic Time Crystals and Parametric Amplification: similarity and distinction," in the 1st Floor Auditorium.
Join the ASRC Photonics Initiative in welcoming guest speaker Zhen Peng, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, for a titled," Physics-oriented Statistical Wave Analysis Integrating Order and Chaos," in the 1st Floor Auditorium.
Join the ASRC Neuroscience Initiative for this monthly seminar series welcoming speakers from around the country exploring numerous topics on environmental factors in relation to neurodevelopment, the use of AI in interdisciplinary research and more.
Join the ASRC Photonics Initiative in their first seminar of the year with guest speaker Matteo Mitrano from Harvard University.
Ultrafast nanophotonics: harnessing light and manipulating matter through femtosecond multidimensional spectroscopies Abstract – Ultrafast manipulation of light-matter interactions in photonic nano-architectures has unlocked unprecedented opportunities in the field of nanophotonics, ranging from high speed signal processing to the control of photophysical material functionalities. Especially, using optical means, e.g. femtosecond laser light pulses, to actively drive
Join the ASRC Photonics Initiative for a one hour talk with guest speakers Alexey Chernikov and Florian Dirnberger from Dresden University of Technology.
Join the ASRC Photonics Initiative for a one hour talk with guest speaker Nicolò Maccaferri from Umeå University.
Join the ASRC Photonics Initiative for a one hour talk with guest speaker Philippe Lalanne from CNRS, Institut d'Optique, Bordeaux, France.
This seminar has been CANCELLED as of 11/6. Please check back for the date in which it will be rescheduled for.
In this one-hour seminar, Stefano Gonella, University of Minnesota, will present a talk titled,
"From Maxwell bilayers to superkagome lattices.
The fate of topological edge modes under increased geometric complexity."
Download the flyer here: 10.5 Neuro Seminar
Join the ASRC Photonics Initiative in this 4-part lecture series with Prof. Eitan Bachmat, exploring, "A multidisciplinary journey in science and technology, from airplane boarding to designing lenses in hyperbolic metamaterials via space-time geometry." To participate registering here by Tuesday 9/5/23. Lecture dates include: Wednesday September 6, 2:00pm - 5:00pm Friday September 8, 1:00pm - 4:00pm Monday
In this one-hour seminar, Junsuk Rho, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea, will be presenting a talk titled: "Perspectives of design, materials, and fabrication for metasurfaces."
In this one-hour seminar, Dragomir Neshev, Australian National University, will be presenting a talk titled, “Nonlinear and quantum light sources from ultra-thin nanostructured surfaces.”
In this final ASRC-CCNY Spring 2023 biochem seminar, we are happy to have May Khanna from NYU College of Dentistry join us at the ASRC for a talk on, "Chemical biology, structure-based approach to targeting protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions for AD/ADRD therapeutics."
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Catherine L. Drennan, MIT for a talk titled: "Capturing Snapshots of Metalloenzymes in Action."
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Babis Kalodimos, St Jude Children's Research Hospital.
This CUNY-wide radiation safety training will take place in-person at the ASRC Auditorium from 10am-3pm, with a midday break from 12-1pm.
In this one-hour seminar, Albert Polman, Center for Nanophotonics, NWO Institute, AMOLF, will be presenting a talk titled: Optical metasurface performing mathematical operations and making better solar cells.
In this one-hour seminar, Yonatan Sivan, Ben-Gurion University, will be presenting a talk titled: “Hot" carriers in metal nanostructures –
when they matter, and when they do not...
In this one-hour seminar, Andrea Cavalleri, Oxford University, will be presenting a talk titled: "New Physics in Driven Quantum Materials."
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Tristan Bepler from the NYSBC, NY.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Scott Prosser from the University of Toronto, Canada.
Please join us November 17th, for a one-hour talk from Aditya Mohite, Rice University, hosted by Matthew Sfeir, Photonics Initiative, CUNY ASRC.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Shohei Koide from NYU Langone Health, NY.
Please join us November 4th, for talks presented by Lee Swindlehurst, Zhu Han, and Marco Di Renzo from10:30am- 1:00pm.
Please join us for a one-hour talk, as part of the ASRC's Converge to Transform: Interdisciplinary STEM Seminar Series, from Professor Ting Xu, University of California, Berkeley.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Alexander Shekhtman from SUNY at Albany, NY.
Please join the Photonics Initiative for a one- hour talk presented by Vladislav Yakovlev.
We are excited to announce Dr. Dennis C. Liotta, a Graduate Center alum, will be presenting a talk titled: “Novel Therapeutics for Treating Cancers, Neurological Disorders and Viral Diseases,” at the ASRC on Friday Oct. 28th.
Please join us October 24th, for a one-hour talk from Yuri Kivshar, Australian National University.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Margaret McFall-Ngai from the Carnegie Institution for Science, California Institute of Technology.
Please join us October 17th, for a one-hour talk from Vladimir Shalaev and Alexandra Boltasseva.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Professor Andrei A. Korostelev from the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.
Please join the Photonics Initiative for a one- hour talk presented by Dennis Prather, University of Delaware.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Alexey Silakov from Pennsylvania State University.
In this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Associate Professor Qing R. Fan, from the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, NY.
The ASRC-CCNY Seminar Series in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign is back for the fall semester! To continue this weekly seminar series, the ASRC Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Assistant Professor Amedee des Georges from the ASRC/GC, CUNY.
The ASRC-CCNY Seminar Series in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign is back for the fall semester! To start off this weekly seminar series, the Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Professor Paul Lombroso from Yale University School of Medicine.
Join us for the next speaker in this series, Juan Pablo Giraldo, University of California, Riverside.
Join us for a one-hour talk from Teri W. Odom, Joan Husting Madden and William H. Madden, Jr. Professor of Chemistry and Chair of the Chemistry Department at Northwestern University.
Join the Photonics Initiative for a one-hour talk from Paulo Ferreira from the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory.
In this weekly seminar series, the Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Professor Harel Weinstein of the Physiology & Biophysics Department at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY.
In this weekly seminar series, the Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Associate Professor Daniel Rosenbaum from the Department of Biophysics, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX.
Join the Photonics Initiative for a one-hour talk from Mischa Bonn, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany.
In this weekly seminar series, the Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Professor Marta Filizola, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY.
Join the Photonics Initiative for a one-hour seminar to discuss the four aspects of thermal radiation with Yuzhe Xiao, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Join the Photonics Initiative for a one-hour talk, in this on-going spring seminar series, from Michele Cotrufo, The City University of New York.
Joshua Caldwell, PhD, Vanderbilt University
In this weekly seminar series, the Structural Biology Initiative will be hosting Nicholas K. Tonks, Professor of Cancer Research; Dep. Director, NCI-Cancer Center Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
Join the Photonics Initiative for a one-hour talk, in this on-going spring seminar series, from Kai Wang, Stanford University.
Join the Photonics Initiative for a one-hour talk, in this on-going spring seminar series, from Qiushi Guo, California Institute of Technology and Yale University.
Join the Photonics Initiative for a one-hour talk, in this on-going spring seminar series, from Kiyoul Yang, Stanford University.
Evolutionary and mechanistic diversity of CRISPR RNA-guided transposases
Inputs and outputs in protein tyrosine phosphatase signaling
Correlation of membrane protein dynamics with function
Protein self-assembly at the right time and place
Talking to cells: technologies to image and control cellular function deep inside the body
Designed Negative Feedback from Transiently formed Catalytic Nanostructures
Speaker: Aashish Clerk, University of Chicago For more information contact Leah Abraha at
Synthetic and biological nanoparticles for cancer and inflammatory conditions
Optical properties of Semiconductor Moiré Crystals
Heterochiral Peptide Assembly: Entry to Wonderland through the Mirror
Metamaterials and Topology-Enabled Light-Matter Interactions
The Environment Shapes the Cell
Augmentation of Human Cognitive Brain Functions with Transcranial Laser
An Extraterrestrial View of a Blue Planet from a Gravity Balance Point
Strong Coupling in Polaritonic Media: Towards On-Chip Infrared Nanophotonics
Plasmonics on Two-Dimensional Materials
Functional mechanisms of dysfunctional proteins
Hosted by Dr. Ye He, Director, Live Imaging Core, Neuroscience Initiative, Advanced Science Research Center, CUNY Graduate Center
Communicating Climate Change
Transposon Molecular Domestication and the Evolution of the Adaptive Immune System
Molecular insights into the progression of Hsp90-mediated kinase chaperone cycle