A study from the the lab of Rein Ulijn, director of the Nanoscience Initiative, demonstrates a new way to visualize nanostructures made of short peptide sequences. […]
New study details the molecular-level design of materials that enable clean and sustainable water evaporation energy to be harvested and efficiently converted into motion, with the potential to power future mechanical devices and machines. […]
The story story highlights the nanomaterials research the team is advancing as a part of Brookhaven’s Center for Functional Nanomaterials user program. […]
The technology combines nanolithography, microfluidics, and organic chemistry to create synthetic surfaces at the scale and with the complexity of nature. […]
CUNY undergraduates and high school scientists worked with Professor Xi Chen to develop learning kits based on his evaporation energy harvesting technique. […]
The finding might also have application in developing anti-parasite, anti-cancer and antibacterial treatments New York, April 4, 2019 – The Zika virus is widely known for causing microcephaly and other […]