Fahmeed Sheehan
Dhwanit Dave
Antonio Cerullo
Direct Evidence for Remote Participation in Galactose Building Blocks during Glycosylation Revealed by Cryogenic Vibrational Spectroscopy
M. Marianski, E. Mucha, K. Greis, D. S. Moon, A. Pardo, C. Kirschbaum, D. A. Thomas, G. Meijer, G. von Helden, K. Gillmore, P. Seeberger, and K. Pagel, Direct Evidence […]
Edge states and ballistic transport in zig-zag graphene ribbons: the role of SiC polytypes
A.L. Miettinen, M.S. Nevius, W. Ko, M. Kolmer, A.-P Li, M.N. Nair, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, B. Kierren, L. Moreau, E.H. Conrad and A. Tejeda. Edge states and ballistic transport in zig-zag […]
The Limit to Realize Isolated Magnetic Single Skyrmionic State
M.M. Devi, W. Koshibae, G. Sharma, R. Tomar, V.M. Gaikwad, R.M. Varma, M.N. Nair, M. Jha, D.D. Sarma, R. Chatterjee, A.K. Gangulia and S. Chakraverty, The Limit to Realize Isolated […]
Comparative Study of Water-Mediated Interactions between Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Nanoscale Surfaces
Y. Kopel and N. Giovambattista, Comparative Study of Water-Mediated Interactions between Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Nanoscale Surfaces, J. Phys. Chem., B 123, 50, 10814-10824, 2019. […]
The use of low cost, abundant, homopolymers for engineering degradable polymer blends: Compatibilization of poly(lactic acid)/styrenics using poly (methyl methacrylate)
X. Zuo, Y. Xue, Y. Zhou, Y. Yin, T.-D. Li, L. Wang, Y.-C. Chuang, C.-C. Chang, M. H. Rafailovich, Y. Guo, The use of low cost, abundant, homopolymers for engineering […]
Stabilizing Solid Electrolyte-Anode Interface in Li-Metal Batteries by Boron Nitride-Based Nanocomposite Coating
Q. Cheng, A. Li, N. Li, K. Yan, S. Li, A. Zangiabadi, T.-D. Li, W. Huang, A. C. Li, T. Jin, Q. Song, W. Xu, N. Ni, H. Zhai, M. […]