Congratulations to Christopher Ryan and Yeojin Jung for being named the first Dr. Joan Eliasoph Fellows for Early Career STEM Researchers! The fellowship, whose namesake paved a distinguished radiology career over eight decades, […]
Each brain has an army of primary immune cells called Microglia. While these cells usually participate in normal brain processes and protect our brain from injuries and infections, they can […]
We are excited to work with these talented young scientists and journalists, who were selected out as recipients of the GC Science Communication Fellowship for 2022-2023. Students in the fellowship […]
By Bonnie Eissner The renown physicist describes his breakthroughs in designing metamaterials and cloaking objects, in “Scientific American.” Creating metamaterials that trick sound and light may sound more like science […]
This month, the Biophysical Society named Professor Kevin Gardner as recipient of the 2023 Award for the Biophysics of Health and Disease. The award recognizes significant contributions to understanding […]
The application is linked to a growing network of flood sensors that provide user-friendly data via an interactive map to alert users to rising waters in flood-prone areas. NEW YORK, […]
With a $3 million NSF grant, the Graduate Center will prepare diverse Ph.D. students for new workforce opportunities in biotech, clean energy, and other areas that are benefiting from […]
By Favour Achimba A physicist by training, City College of New York alum James Scholtz launched his business, Vyir Inc., to develop a novel optical sensor that enables low-cost, […]
Featured stories in this edition include a CUNY-led flood sensor project helping NNY track intense storms, the official launch of the ASRC Sensor-CAT, a Professor Daniel Keedy winning the prestigious Cottrell Award, and more! […]