Research by Professor Amédée des Georges at the Advanced Science Research Center could lead to longer lasting drugs that are less addictive and risky. Preventing drug side effects, including addiction, […]
Three researchers at the CUNY ASRC have been awarded multi-year, federal agency grants to address topics in protein regulation and the response of the U.S.’s food-energy-water systems to climate change. […]
Patrizia Casaccia and her colleagues have been studying how extrinsic and cell intrinsic factors modulate neuronal bioenergetics, potentially contributing to MS progression. […]
Dikiy is being recognized for using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to complete the first study of G-protein–coupled receptor (GPCR) fast sidechain dynamics. […]
Their proof-of-concept experiment may have broad implications for efficient harvesting, storing, and control of energy flow for mechanical and optical applications. […]
CUNY undergraduates and high school scientists worked with Professor Xi Chen to develop learning kits based on his evaporation energy harvesting technique. […]
The findings, detailed in an “eLife” journal paper, may explain why some individuals become depressed and others are resilient in the face of adverse experiences such as bullying or conflict. […]
She will facilitate scientific and administrative operations for the ASRC’s five research initiatives and its core facilities and will work closely with ASRC leadership. […]