An international climate intervention workgroup publishes paper exploring the potential risks and benefits of a proposed high-tech climate intervention NEW YORK, APRIL 5, 2021 — Nine of the hottest years […]
Urban community gardeners use a range of best practices to grow healthy crops and limit contamination from metals like lead. While most crops take up very little lead through their […]
Grosso plans to use the funding, totaling over $537,000, to research new materials for quantum information technology, and to make this sometimes-intimidating field more accessible to students. […]
Their findings hold the promise for leapfrog advances in a variety of light-driven technologies, including nano-imaging devices; high-speed, low-energy optical computers; and biosensors. […]
The list identifies researchers who demonstrated significant influence in their fields through the publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade. […]
A study from the the lab of Rein Ulijn, director of the Nanoscience Initiative, demonstrates a new way to visualize nanostructures made of short peptide sequences. […]
Rein Ulijn, Director of the ASRC Nanoscience Initiative, is among a team of researchers who have created a new, melanin-inspired pigmented fibers for use in bioelectronics and energy storage. […]