Convening meetings, workshops, seminars, and public programs is a key part of the mission at the Advanced Science Research Center at the CUNY Graduate Center promoting collaboration between campus-based faculty, ASRC faculty, theorists, and experimentalists across New York City.

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The ASRC offers event and meeting spaces that can accommodate up to 100 guests for your next conference, reception, meeting, workshop, film shoot, or private event.

Thesis Defense: Shixiong Yin

Enhanced Light-Matter Interactions in Complex Photonic Systems Mentor: Andrea Alù Abstract Interactions between light and matter are fundamental to breakthroughs in lasers, sensing, imaging, spectroscopy, energy harvesting, and quantum information

Thesis Defense: Seungri (Victor) Kim

The Effects of Nanoconfined Liquid Properties on the Water-Responsive Behavior of Bacterial Cell Walls   Abstract: Water-responsive (WR) materials have the ability to mechanically swell and shrink in response to

Photonics Initiative Seminar: Bing Cheng

Terahertz probes of quantum matter: from pairing symmetry to high harmonics Quantum materials often harbor emergent orders and phases that reveal themselves at low-energy scales, around 1 to 10 meV.

Photonics Initiative Seminar: David Burghoff

Nonlinear Photonics in the Mid-Infrared and Terahertz Abstract – Optical sensing at long wavelengths presents significant opportunities and significant challenges. The longwave infrared and terahertz ranges are renowned for their

Photonics Initiative Seminar: Mu Wang

Dr. Mu Wang National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, School of Physics, and Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China Manipulating Light with Optical Metasurfaces: from

Photonics Initiative Seminar: Yang Zhao & Yun-Sheng Chen

Dr. Yang Zhao University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Imaging, Sensing, and Wearable Devices Using Nanophotonic Platforms Abstract – Personalized health emphasizes prevention and early diagnosis over solely tailoring therapies. My lab's

Photonics Initiative Seminar: Levent Sevgi (IEEE DL lecture)

Dr. Levent Sevgi IEEE AP-S Former DL – DLPC Chair ITU - Istanbul Technical University (Emeritus) From Engineering Elecromagnetics to Electromagnetic Engineering:Teaching/Training Next Generations Abstract - The role of Electromagnetic

Photonics Initiative Seminar: Giovanni Milione

Dr. Giovanni Milione NEC Laboratories America, Inc. Vector Beams and Space Division Multiplexing Abstract – In this talk, I will overview two areas of my research at NEC Laboratories America,