G.E. Humphries, M. Ambrosone, Z. Roldan-Ayala, M. Brown, and D.I. Greenfield. Shore and mid-channel surveys reveal distinct phytoplankton-bacterial population associations along an urban estuary. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 2024, 90, 121-139. […]
M. Brown, M. Ambrosone, K.J. Turner, K.J., G. Humphries, M. Tzortziou, S. Anglès, C. Panzeca, C. and D.I. Greenfield. Phytoplankton assemblage responses to nitrogen following COVID-19 stay-in-place orders in western […]
Z. Roldan Ayala, S.A. Arnott, M. Ambrosone, J.I. Espinosa, G.E. Humphries, M. Tzortziou, J. I. Goes, and D.I. Greenfield. The influences of phenology, spatial distribution, and nitrogen form on Long […]
J. Sherman, M. Tzortziou, K.J. Turner, D.I. Greenfield, and A. Menendez. Deciphering the water quality impacts of COVID-19 human mobility shifts in estuaries surrounding New York City. Science of the […]
Z.R. Ayala, S.C. Judge, S. Anglès, and D.I. Greenfield. A comparison between the FlowCam 8100, microscopy, and sandwich hybridization assay for quantifying abundances of the saxitoxin-producing dinoflagellate, Alexandrium catenella. Harmful […]
G.E. Humphries, J.I. Espinosa, M. Ambrosone, Z. Roldan Ayala, M. Tzortziou, J.I. Goes, D.I. Greenfield. Transitions in nitrogen and organic matter form and concentration correspond to bacterial population dynamics in […]