S. Szabo, E. Brondizio, S. Hetrick, F.G. Renaud, R.J. Nicholls, Z. Matthews, Z.D. Tessler, A. Tejedor, Z. Sebesvari, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, S. Costa, and J.A. Dearing. Population dynamics, delta vulnerability and […]
J. Caputo, C.M. Beier, V.A. Luzadis and P.M. Groffman. Integrating Beneficiaries into Assessment of Ecosystem Services from Managed Forests at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, USA. Forest Ecosystems, 2016, 3, 13. […]
Z. Sebesvari, F.G. Renaud, S. Hass, Z.D. Tessler, J. Kloos, S. Szabo, N. Vogt, A. Tejedor, E. Brondizio, and C. Kuenzer. A review of vulnerability indicators for deltaic social–ecological systems. […]
Z. Cui, C.W. Welty, A.J. Gold, P.M. Groffman, S.S. Kaushal, and A.J. Miller. Use of a Three-Dimensional Reactive Solute Transport Model for Evaluation of Bioreactor Placement in Stream Restoration. Journal […]
F.M. Soper, P.M. Groffman, and J.P. Sparks. Denitrification in a Subtropical, Semi-Arid North American Savanna: Field Measurements and Intact Soil Core Incubations. Biogeochemistry, 2016, 128, 257-266. […]
E.S. Brondizio, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, S. Szabo, N. Vogt, Z. Sebesvari, F.G. Renaud, A. Newton, E. Anthony, A.V. Mansur, Z. Matthews, S. Hetrick, S.M. Costa, Z.D. Tessler, A. Tejedor, and A. […]
F.M. Soper, T.W. Boutton, P.M. Groffman, and J.P. Sparks. Nitrogen trace gas fluxes from a semiarid subtropical savanna under woody legume encroachment. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2016, 30, 614-628. […]
Z.D. Tessler, C.J. Vörösmarty, M. Grossberg, I. Gladkova, and H. Aizenman. A Global Empirical Typology of Anthropogenic Drivers of Environmental Change in Deltas. Sustainability Science, 2016, 11, 525–537. […]
M. Konar, T.P. Evans, M. Levy, C.A. Scott, T.J. Troy, C.J. Vörösmarty, and M. Sivapalan. Water resources sustainability in a globalizing world: who uses the water? Hydrological Processes, 2016, 30, 18, 3330-3336. […]
S.D. Chamberlain, N. Gomez-Casanovas, M.T. Walter, E.H. Boughton, C.J. Bernacchi, E.H. DeLucia, P.M. Groffman, E.W. Keel, and J.P. Sparks. Influence of Transient Flooding on Methane Fluxes from Subtropical Pastures. Journal of […]