Posted on July 24, 2019 in ASRC News

She will facilitate scientific and administrative operations for the ASRC’s five research initiatives and its core facilities and will work closely with ASRC leadership.
Meghan Hughes, who has served as associate director of the nanoscience initiative at the Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) at The Graduate Center, CUNY for the past three years, has been appointed as the ASRC’s director of operations, beginning July 29, 2019.
In her new role, Hughes will work closely with Annette Gray, the ASRC’s executive director, the directors of the center’s five research initiatives, and its core facility managers to facilitate scientific and administrative operations. One of her primary responsibilities will be to assess and improve planning and processes at the interdisciplinary research center, which will celebrate its fifth anniversary this fall.
Hughes will review business models as well as budget and administrative issues, and she will coordinate communication on operations within the ASRC; with The Graduate Center, CUNY; and with other New York–area institutions. She also will be involved with strategic planning for ASRC initiatives and special projects.
Hughes joined the ASRC in 2014 as the nanoscience laboratory director, moving to the Nanoscience Initiative’s associate director in 2016, concurrently serving as research integrity officer. In addition to laboratory and operational management experience, she has organized conferences and workshops on subjects ranging from “Frontiers in Neurorobotics” to “Venture Capital Investment in Nanotechnology.”
Before coming to the ASRC, Hughes was a research associate in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, where she also received her M.Sci. in forensic and analytical chemistry and Ph.D. in chemistry.
In 2018, Hughes was recognized by The Graduate Center for outstanding employee achievement.