Convening meetings, workshops, seminars, and public programs is a key part of the mission at the Advanced Science Research Center at the CUNY Graduate Center promoting collaboration between campus-based faculty, ASRC faculty, theorists, and experimentalists across New York City.

Event and Space Rentals

The ASRC offers event and meeting spaces that can accommodate up to 100 guests for your next conference, reception, meeting, workshop, film shoot, or private event.

Photonics Initiative Seminar: Michael Scalora

Light-Matter Interactions at the Nanoscale: Harmonic Generation from Metal/Vacuum Interfaces and Novel Aspects of Radiation Reaction Abstract – In noble metals a patina of free electrons extends out into free

Photonics Initiative Seminar: Guancong Ma

Non-Abelian Braiding with Sound and Light Abstract – Many physics laws and mathematical rules are insensitive to order. For example, the addition of numbers disregards the sequence order, e.g., 1+2+3=3+1+2.

Photonics Initiative Seminar: Jonathan Pelliciari

Co-sponsored with CCNY. Location and time TBD Using Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering to study quantum materials Abstract – Modern light sources like the NSLS-II at Brookhaven National Lab deliver bright tunable photons

Photonics Initiative Seminar: Yakir Hadad

Exact formulation of the mutual particle-cavity dynamics and its use for the study of loss threshold phenomenon under magnetization Abstract – Light-matter interaction plays a pivotal role in pushing forward

Photonics Initiative Seminar: David Burghoff

Nonlinear Photonics in the Mid-Infrared and Terahertz Abstract – Optical sensing at long wavelengths presents significant opportunities and significant challenges. The longwave infrared and terahertz ranges are renowned for their