Gifts to the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center drive innovation, nurture STEM leaders, and make a positive, lasting impact in New York City and beyond.

Make an Impact
We envision a future where the ASRC, as a central hub for innovation and science at CUNY, and a premier public resource for transformative scientific research and engagement culture, discovers new frontiers, solves urgent societal problems, and cultivates the next generation of innovators. Join us in realizing that future by supporting one of our fundraising priorities. Thank you for your support!
Fundraising Priorities:
In giving to the ASRC General Fund, you allow the ASRC to apply your gift where it is needed most. Your gift supports our highest priorities, including student fellowships, community programming, and groundbreaking interdisciplinary research.
In giving to the ASRC Student Travel Fund, you support travel of CUNY students to the top conferences and research sites of their field, further enriching their academic experience.

Donate Now
Make an online gift. Donations can be one-time or recurring.
If you would like to enquire about naming opportunities or give in the form of a stock transfer, bequest, charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder trust, please reach out to