Photonics Initiative Seminar: Jacob Khurgin

Dr. Jacob Khurgin (Johns Hopkins University) Coherent Frequency Combs in Mid-Infrared and THz Produced By Self Frequency Modulated Quantum Cascade Lasers For many applications Optical Frequency Combs (OFCs) require a high degree of temporal coherence and thus narrow linewidth1 as well as wide bandwidth (i.e. many spectral lines.  Commonly OFCs are generated in some nonlinear

Photonics Initiative Seminar: Marc Serra Garcia

Dr. Marc Serra Garcia (AMOLF) Physical computing in metamaterials Abstract - There is a significant range of physical phenomena—from nonlinear elasticity, to symmetry, noise, topology, and disorder — that are rarely utilized in traditional computing paradigms. Yet these phenomena can unlock new efficiencies, by directly processing signals in their natural domain, and by bypassing the

Photonics Initiative Seminar: Arthur D. Yaghjian

Dr. Arthur D. Yaghjian (Electromagnetics Research) Robust Field-Based Antenna Quality Factor Abstract – New field-based quality factors Q(ω) are derived for antennas with known fields produced by an input current. These Q(ω) are remarkably robust because they equal the input-impedance bandwidth quality factor QZ(ω) when the input impedance is available. Like QZ(ω), the field-based Q(ω)

Interdisciplinary Seminar Series featuring Associate Professor Dr. Xi Chen

  EvapoFlex: Water-responsive Materials for Evaporation Energy Harvesting Many important physiological functions of living organisms (e.g., plant seed dispersal, bacterial spore activation) rely on water-responsive (WR) materials that mechanically deform in response to changes in relative humidity. Recently, biological WR materials have been shown to generate significantly higher energy actuation compared to all known animal