Research Experience for Undergraduates

NanoNYC is an NSF funded training site to provide undergraduate students with research opportunities in nano science across two institutions in New York City:  Columbia University and the Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) at the City University of New York (CUNY).

Nanoscience represents a coming together of multiple disciplines, connected through a desire to understand, measure, manipulate and apply matter at the smallest scale.​ The field is now at a turning point where the focus is shifting from the demonstration of new concepts to the development of real-world applications, resulting in a considerable shift and acceleration in research and job opportunities. The Nano-NY site provides opportunities for undergraduate students to have access to the advanced facilities and equipment used to fabricate, synthesize, and characterize nanoscale devices and the materials used to construct these next-generation devices. This collaborative Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site program is a joint program between Columbia University Nano Initiative (CNI) and City University of New York (CUNY) Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC), providing students with  hands-on research opportunities in nanoscience and engineering. In addition to conducting lab research, students will have access to advanced instruments and training in use of laboratory characterization, including the use of two new cleanrooms, imaging facilities with advanced microscopes, and chemistry labs at the City University of New York and Columbia University. In addition to participation in a 9-week long research program in a lab, students will participate in weekly seminars and a tiered mentoring approach to promote the development of relationships among students, mentors, and faculty in addition to the development of technical and laboratory skills by the participants. Moreover, the Columbia CNI / CUNY ASRC collaboration will provide students a unique opportunity to experience two different types of academic institutions – private and public.

How to apply

Applications are handled through Columbia University’s REU site. Upon application, please indicate your interest in the NanoNYC site in your cover letter and in the application. Apply here:

For more information please contact Alma Perez, Associate Director of the Nanoscience Initiative at CUNY ASRC: