Jordan Krechmer
Tori Hass-Mitchell
Emily Follansbee
Louella Estillero
Valerie Carranza
Brett Branco, Ph.D.
Ammonium adduct chemical ionization to investigate anthropogenic oxygenated gas-phase organic compounds in urban air
P. Khare, J.E. Krechmer, J.E. Machesky, T. Hass-Mitchell, C. Cao, J.Q. Wang, F. Majluf, F. Lopez-Hilfiker, S. Malek, W. Wang, K. Seltzer, H.O.T. Pye, R. Commane, B.C. McDonald, R. Toledo-Crow, […]
Making waves: Uses of real-time, hyperlocal flood sensor data for emergency management, resiliency planning, and flood impact mitigation
A.I. Silverman, T. Brain, B. Branco, P.S.V. Challagonda, P. Choi, R. Fischman, K. Graziano, E. Hénaff, C. Mydlarz, P. Rothman, and R. Toledo-Crow. Making waves: Uses of real-time, hyperlocal flood […]
Microscope Enclosure for Temperature Regulation and Light Isolation
D. Johnson, T. Deneau, R. Toledo-Crow, and S. Simon. Microscope Enclosure for Temperature Regulation and Light Isolation. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11, 15, 6812. […]