Recent Study on Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Disease Progression in MS Highlighted by CDMRP

Recent research conducted by Patrizia Casaccia, Director of the Neuroscience Initiative, has been featured by the Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP):

With support from a Fiscal Year 2014 Investigator-Initiated Partnership Award, Dr. Casaccia – who currently directs the Neuroscience Initiative at the ASRC – along with her colleagues Dr. Katz Sand and Dr. Matilde Inglese at the Icahn School of Medicine, Dr. Quinzii at Columbia University, Medical Center, and Dr. Valentina Fossati at the New York Stem Cell Foundation, have been studying how extrinsic and cell intrinsic factors modulate neuronal bioenergetics, potentially contributing to MS progression. In a recent Brain publication, the authors described how they conducted a morphological and functional screening of mitochondria in neurons exposed to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of MS patients with a relapsing remitting or a progressive disease course.

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