Posted on July 15, 2019 in Nanoscience Initiative
Get ready with us as we approach the new semester with events to bring us together and take advantage of funding opportunities to propel collaborative research.
But first, here is a recap of some of the highlights in our Nanoscience Community:
Congratulations to Our Recent Graduates
Click on their names to find them on LinkedIn and stay in touch.
- Frederick A. Pearsall and Julien Lombardi from Stephen O’Brien Lab (The City College of New York)
- WSM Nadeesha Wijerathne from Rein Ulijn Lab (ASRC/Hunter College)
- Jiye Son from Maria Contel Lab (Brooklyn College) and Rein Ulijn Lab (ASRC/Hunter College)
- Colleen Brent Gallagher and Justin Walsh from Lynn Francesconi Lab (Hunter College)
- Keke Hu from Michael Mirkin Lab (Queens College)
- Xizhe Zhao from Shi Jin Lab (College of Staten Island)
- Rosemery Membreno from Brian Zeglis Lab (Hunter College)
CAT-SENSE Designation
The Advanced Science Research Center has been designated as a Center for Advanced Technologies in Sensors for Exploration of Natural Systems and Environments (CAT-SENSE) by Empire State Development (ESD) with nearly $8.8 million in funding over the course of the ten-year designation. The CAT will offer a number of ways to facilitate and co-fund interactions between CUNY researchers and industry, in particular in the area of biomedical and environmental sensor technologies. Learn more about this designation and stay tuned to find out how you can get involved.
Featured Events
CUNY Nano Day – September 9, 2019
Come join the Nanoscience community at the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center to share your exciting research and recent achievements! On September 9th, we invite Junior Faculty Members, Postdoctoral fellows, PhD Students, and Industry Colleagues to present a 20-minute talk or a poster presentation. This event is open to all Nanoscience researchers in CUNY and the greater NYC institutions.
- 20-minute talks
- Poster presentations
- Poster prize
- Free lunch
Registration is required to participate.
Abstracts for talks and posters are due on August 15.
CUNY NanoNite – October 9, 2019
NanoNite is a casual social networking event centered around researchers passionate about Nanoscience. Join our vibrant group of students, faculty, and staff of diverse personal and scientific backgrounds and get to know your Nano Community! This event is open to all Nanoscience researchers in CUNY and the greater NYC institutions. Venue is TBD.
Funding Opportunities
NanoProject Seed Grants
The NanoFabrication Facility staff is aware of the infamous catch-22 of academic research: you need preliminary data to get funded, yet you also need funding to acquire the preliminary data. In order to address this issue, we created the NanoProject Seed Grant program. The program provides researchers with limited access to the facility (the total fabrication costs incurred for a single NanoProject cannot exceed $1500) in order to collect data/make a device that will be used to either finish an experiment that is almost ready for publication or for a grant proposal. The NanoProjects may be performed either by the researchers themselves or they may be carried out in collaboration with the NanoFabrication Staff. The NanoProject Seed Grants are reviewed by an internal committee, and are awarded based upon equipment and staff availability at the discretion of the NanoFabrication staff. Due to the high demand for equipment use, the NanoFabrication facility cannot award more than ten NanoProjects per academic year. In order to apply for a NanoProject Seed Grant, please fill out the application.
Recent Publications
K. Palanichamy, A. Joshi, T. Mehmetoglu-Gurbuz, M. F. Bravo, M. Shlain, F. Schiro, Y. Naeem, H. Garg, and A.B. Braunschweig, Anti-Zika Activity of a Library of Synthetic Carbohydrate Receptors, J. Med. Chem., 2019, 62, 8, 4110-4119.
J. Son, D. Kalafatovic, M. Kumar, B. Yoo, M.A. Cornejo, M. Contel, and R.V. Ulijn, Customizing Morphology, Size, and Response Kinetics of Matrix Metalloproteinase-Responsive Nanostructures by Systematic Peptide Design, ACS Nano., 2019, 13, 1555-1562.
A. Levine, C. Schierl, B. Basel, M. Ahmed, B. Carmago, D. Guldi, A.B. Braunschweig, Singlet Fission in Combinatorial DiketopyrrolopyrroleRylene Supramolecular Films, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2019, 123, 1587.
Mashtalir, O.; Nguyen, M.; Emilie Bodoin, E.; Larry Swonger, L.; and O’Brien, S., High-Purity Lithium Metal Films from Aqueous Mineral Solutions, ACS Omega, 2019, 3 (1), 181-187.
Zhang, Haiying, Daniela Freitas, Han Sang Kim, Kristina Fabijanic, Zhong Li, Haiyan Chen, Milica Tesic Mark et al., Identification of distinct nanoparticles and subsets of extracellular vesicles by asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation, Nature Cell Biology, 2019, 20 (3), 332.
D. Kroiss, J.M. Aramini, S.A. McPhee, T. Tuttle, and R.V. Ulijn, Unbiased Discovery of Dynamic Peptide-ATP Complexes, ChemSysChem, 2019, in press.