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Nanofabrication Facility

Policies, Procedures and Resources

After-Hours Access

Access and usage of the Nanofabrication Facility is considered “after-hours” if it is:

  • Between 6:00 PM – 9:00 AM on weekdays
  • During the weekend (Saturday-Sunday)
  • A CUNY holiday

Certification Requirement

Members must have a Certificate of Fitness for Supervision of Chemical Laboratories (C-14) registered to the ASRC address to work in the cleanroom after-hours.

Buddy System

If operating a chemical process, the member must have a “buddy” present in the area of the hood when handling hazardous chemicals.

The buddy must be a registered cleanroom member with after-hours access and must come with the member using hazardous chemicals.  Never expect there to be other members already in the cleanroom available to help during after-hours.

Checking Your Access Status

To check your current access status, review the Active Nanofabrication Facility Members list.

  • If the above indicates that you currently have full access, then your access status will not be changed.
  • If you do not have full access, and don’t have a C-14, then you need to email Tom Dickson ( and the facility ( to request a new C-14. Once Tom informs us that your paperwork has been processed, we will grant you full access.
  • If you do not have full access but have a C-14 to a non-ASRC lab (i.e., the card doesn’t have the ASRC address on it), then you need to email the facility ( and attach a photograph of your current C-14. Facility staff will forward this information to FDNY and grant you access.
  • If you do have a C-14 issued to the ASRC, but your name doesn’t appear on the full access list, then email a copy of your C-14 to the facility ( and we will grant you full access.

FDNY C-14 Certification

New York City Fire Code requires at least one person with a Certificate of Fitness for Supervision of Chemical Laboratories (C-14) be present in a laboratory unit when such lab is in operation.  This code applies at all times including weekends, evenings and holidays.

There are two ways to obtain the C-14:

  1. Follow the Alternative Issuance Procedure (AIP) administered through the ASRC Environmental Health Safety (EHS) team
  2. Take the test at FDNY Headquarters.

Your place of employment and current C-14 status will determine the procedure you must follow to obtain and/or submit the C-14:

If you are a:

  • CUNY ASRC Employee with no prior C-14
    • Do you have the Education, License and Experience Requirements listed in Option 1 below?
      • If yes: Follow the procedures for Option 1
      • If no: Follow the procedures for Option 2
  • Non-ASRC Employee from CUNY institution or other NYC area institution with no prior C-14
    • You must work through your home institution to obtain a C-14.
    • Once you have a C-14 issued to your home institution, you may send a photocopy or photo of it to and the ASRC will apply for a second C-14 valid for the ASRC on your behalf.
  • Non-ASRC Employee with valid C-14 at your respective university
    • You may send a photocopy or photo of your valid C-14 to and the ASRC will apply for a second C-14 valid for the ASRC on your behalf.
  • Non-ASRC Employee from outside NYC or from industry or start-up
    • Do you have the Education, License and Experience Requirements listed in Option 1 below?
      • If yes: Follow the procedures for Option 1 below
      • If no: Follow the procedures for Option 2 below

Certification Options

Education, License and Experience Requirements

Applicants must have at least one of the following qualifications:

  • License as a Clinical Laboratory Director from the NYS Dept. of Health; or
  • Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM); or
  • Masters or Doctoral degree in Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, Environmental or Health Sciences, Medical Technology and Chemical, Environmental, Mechanical or Biomedical Engineering, or related field and; or
  • Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, Environmental or Health Sciences, Medical Technology and Chemical, Environmental, Mechanical or Biomedical Engineering, or related field and two years of post-baccalaureate experience in the operation of chemical laboratories.
    • Users in this category may apply for alternative issuance which is stated and signed by the employer/supervisor on a company official letter head.
    • If you have two years of post-baccalaureate experience in the operation of chemical laboratories, you must complete the C-14 Lab Experience Form.
    • All claimed experience must be post baccalaureate. Any experience gained prior to the receipt of the degree will not be accepted towards meeting the AIP requirements.
  • NY State Permanent Certification as a Chemistry or Biology (7-12) Teacher.

Additional Materials

Applicants must submit the following:

Application Fee

The C-14 application fee is $25 and can be paid via Credit Card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa), Debit card (MasterCard or Visa) or E-Check. A convenience fee of 2.49% will be applied to all credit card payments.

Fee Waivers

Only government employees who will use their C of F for their work-related responsibilities are eligible for fee waivers. To apply for a waiver, you must submit an agency letter on official letterhead and a copy of your identification card issued by the agency.

You may take the Examination for the Certificate of Fitness for The Supervision of Chemical Laboratories (C-14) at New York City Fire Department Headquarters at 9 Metro Tech, Brooklyn N.Y.

For study material, requirements, directions and further information please visit the FDNY website.