Professional Development

Professional Development opportunities are available to the ASRC community, including:

Graduate Center Science Communication Academy

The Graduate Center Science Communication Academy provides events, trainings, fellowship opportunities, and resources to support your development as a science communicator. Learn more »


Bootcamps at the ASRC provide training and collaborative guidance to CUNY faculty members on variety of topics designed to aid them in supporting and furthering their research.

Grants 101 Bootcamp

Grant Proposals and Your Research

In this Bootcamp, faculty researchers will learn the essentials of framing and structuring a grant proposal as well as visioning a research strategy and finding funding opportunities to sustain a research program.

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NSF Career Bootcamp

NSF CAREER Bootcamps are designed to help NSF CAREER eligible tenure track faculty across CUNY develop competitive proposals.

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The ASRC Bootcamp program is led by:

Linda Vigdor, M.F.A., Ph.D.
Associate Director of Proposal Development
Advanced Science Research Center

For more information, please contact: