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Photonics Initiative Event: IEEE Distinguished Lecturers workshop

IEEE Distinguished Lecturers workshop

If you plan to attend please register here: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/467009 


9:00 A.M. Welcome Remarks
Arno Thielens & Andrea Alu (CUNY ASRC), Levent Sevgi (IEEE AP-S)

9:15 A.M. Novel EM Modeling, UQ, and Design Methodologies and Applications in Communications, Medical Imaging and Diagnostics, and Radar Meteorology
Branislav Notaros (Colorado State University)

10:00 A.M. Coffee Break

10:30 A.M. Single-mode Dual-band Patch Antenna Using Lorentz-Type Dispersive Metamaterials
Zhi Ning Chen (National University Singapore)

11:25 A.M ASRC Photonics Lab Tours
Arno Thielens & Andrea Alu (CUNY, ASRC)

12:15 P.M. Lunch

1:15 P.M. Metasurface Antennas: port diplexing, mechanic scanning and electronic reconfigurability
Stefano Maci (University of Siena)

2:00 P.M. A ray-tracing technique for the analysis of lens antennas
Oscar Quevedo-Teruel (KTH)

2:45 P.M. Coffee Break

3:15 P.M. Spectro Temporal Dispersion Engineered Electromagnetic Metamaterials for Sensing and Communications
Chung-Tse Michael Wu (National Taiwan University)

4:00 P.M. Diving into the Subsurface: Unveiling Hidden Worlds through Ground-Penetrating Radar
Haihan Sun (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

 4:45 P.M. Closing Remarks
Arno Thielens & Andrea Alu (CUNY ASRC), Levent Sevgi (IEEE AP-S)

5:00 P.M. Close



IEEE Antenna & Propagation Society
IEEE Microwave Theory & Technology Society
IEEE A&P Young Scientist Ambassadors
IEEE NY Section

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Event Information

February 26
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
ASRC Auditorium & Cafe
85 St. Nicholas Terrace
New York, NY 10031 United States
+ Google Map
(212) 413-3300
Event Category: