Raymond Tu, Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, The City College of New York
  • Affiliate Faculty, Nanoscience Initiative


City College of New York (Profile)

Research Interests

The Tu group are interested in mimicking biomolecular self-assembly using a set of rationally designed peptide-based building blocks. These peptides combine elements that direct assembly with elements responsible for natural-binding interactions into a hybrid molecule. The design and application of such ‘bottom-up’ assemblies requires precision synthesis, predictive folding algorithms, and accurate characterization of self-assembly.

Job History

  • 2013 – Current: Associate Professor, City College of New York
  • 2006 – 2013: Assistant Professor, City College of New York
  • 2001 – 2003: Postdoctoral Research Associate, GaTech
  • 1998 – 2001: Ph.D., UC, Santa Barbara
  • 1992 – 1998: B.S., Unversity of Florida


Y. Jung, S.S. Golru, T.-D. Li, E.J. Biddinger, R.S. Tu, and X. Chen, Tuning water-responsiveness with Bombyx mori silk-silica nanoparticle composites, Soft Matter, 2021, 17, 7817-7821.