Maria Tzortziou, Ph.D.

  • Affiliate Faculty, Affiliate (2020 review)
  • Professor, City College of New York


Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, City College of New York (Profile)


M. Brown, M. Ambrosone, K.J. Turner, K.J., G. Humphries, M. Tzortziou, S. Anglès, C. Panzeca, C. and D.I. Greenfield. Phytoplankton assemblage responses to nitrogen following COVID-19 stay-in-place orders in Western Long Island Sound (New York/Connecticut). Marine Environmental Research, 2024, 196, 106371.

G.E. Humphries, J.I. Espinosa, M. Ambrosone, Z. Roldan Ayala, M. Tzortziou, J.I. Goes, D.I. Greenfield. Transitions in nitrogen and organic matter form and concentration correspond to bacterial population dynamics in a hypoxic urban estuary. Biogeochemistry, 2023, 163, 219-243.

A. Maharjan, P.M. Groffman, C.J. Vörösmarty, M. Tzortziou, X. Tang, and P.A. Green. Sources of terrestrial nitrogen and phosphorus mobilization in South and South East Asian coastal ecosystems. Watershed Ecology and the Environment, 2022, 4, 12-31.