Zeiss LSM 880 Airyscan Fast Live Cell

The Zeiss LSM 880 Airyscan Fast Live Cell is a unique confocal that provides high resolution, sensitivity and speed that enables gentle live cell imaging with super resolution. Airyscan delivers super resolution of 140 nm XY, and 4-8 times sensitivity. The FAST module increases speed 4 times up to 100 fps, which increase productivity when performing quantitative imaging. Temperature, CO2, humidity controlled incubator is optimized for time lapsing live imaging.
- Airyscan to achieve 1.7x resolution (140nm XY, 400nm Z) and 4-8x sensitivity
- FAST model for 4x speed up to 100fps
- Axio Observer inverted platform with motorized XYZ stage
- Definite focus 2 prevent focus drift over time
- Piezo with 500um travel range for extremely fast Z stacks
- Tokai-Hit stagetop incubation chamber
- Zen Black software with the modules of Z stacks, timelapse, tiling, multi position, co localization, FRAP, super resolution, deconvoltuion, 3D processing.
Laser Lines
- Argon: 458, 488, 514 nm
- Diode: 405 nm
- DPSS: 561 nm
- HeNe: 633 nm.
- EC Plan Neofluor 10x/0.3 NA
- Plan Apo 20x/0.8
- Plan Apo 40x/1.2 NA Water or Type W Oil
- Plan Apo 63x/1.4 NA Oil DIC
- 2 PMT’s
- 1 GaAsP (2x sensitivity)
- 1 Airyscan super resolution detector
- 1 Transmitted light detector
- Super resolution confocal imaging of fixed or live samples, photoactivation, or photoconversion in live cells or organisms
- Capturing fast events such as Ca2+ imaging
- Ye He, Ph.D.
Director, Live Imaging and Bioenergetics Facility
Co-Director, MALDI-TOF MS Imaging Facility
Research Associate Professor, Neuroscience Initiative
Manufacturer / Model
Zeiss / LSM 880 Airyscan Fast Live Cell
Live Imaging and Bioenergetics Facility
airyscan, cell incubator, fast 3D, live imaging, super resolution