The TCS SP8 STED 3X, the newest generation of STED (Stimulated Emission Depletion) microscopy by Leica Microsystems, provides super-resolution imaging in all dimensions. The integrated STED system meets the requirements of daily scientific research and provides fast, intuitive, and pure optical access to structural details beyond the diffraction limit. STED 3X broadens the scope of super-resolution microscopy by offering the whole spectrum of visible light. It is able to reach lateral (XY) resolution of ~50 nm and axial (Z) resolution of ~150nm.
Equipment Type
Stimulated Emission Depletion Microscope
- Tunable and direct super-resolution in x, y and z reveal smallest details.
- Multiple STED lines (592 nm, 660 nm, and 775 nm) open up the full spectrum of visible light.
- Three excitation laser setups:
- White Light Laser (470-670 nm) allows any kind of fluorophore combination and multicolor application.
- Ar laser: 458, 476, 488, 496, 514 nm.
- Diode laser: 405 nm.
- Gated detection improves resolution and increases live cell capabilities.
- STED WHITE objective has optimal color correction for the full spectrum.
- Auto beam alignment provides stability and reliability
- Modular concept based on the TCS SP8 allows you to upgrade at any time.
- Smart STED Wizard intuitively controls your experiments.
- Huygens deconvolution gets more from your raw data.
Manufacturer / Model
Leica / TCS SP8 STED 3X
Imaging Facility
sted, super resolution microscopy