FEI Titan Themis 200 TEM

The Titan Themis 200 S/TEM provides high-throughput sub-Angstrom imaging for atomic 2D and 3D analysis. It combines proven spherical aberration (Cs) corrector, sensitive ChemiSTEM™ technology with an enhanced piezo stage, new 4k x 4k Ceta 16M CMOS camera to deliver the best S/TEM image quality for rapid, easy access to atomic scale information to researchers in materials science. Thanks to recent developments of high-brightness X-FEG that generates up to 5 times more beam current at a given spatial resolution compared to a conventional FEG and high-efficiency SuperX X-ray detection system that collects up to 10 times more x-ray than conventional detector, ChemiSTEM™ technology brings order-of-magnitude improvement in sensitivity and speed in EDS analysis.
- Ultra stable, high brightness X-FEG (brightness: 1.8 x 109 A/cm2/sr)
- X-FEG probe current: 0.4 nA in 0.31 nm spot and 1.5 nA in 1 nm spot.
- ConstantPower™ lens design for ultimate thermal stability in mode switches.
- Low hysteresis design to minimize cross-talk between optical components for ultimate reproducibility.
- New cold trap design for up to one week of operation to maximize up-time.
- Automatic apertures for remote control operation and reproducible recall of aperture positions during aperture change.
- TEM point resolution and information limit: 0.9 Å
- STEM resolution: 1.6 Å
- Windowless Super-X EDS detector system: 4 FEI-designed Silicon Drift Detectors arranged symmetrically around sample for higher efficiency detection.
- Output count rate: up to 200 kcps
- Energy resolution:
- ≤ 136 eV for Mn-Kα and 10 kcps (output)
- ≤ 140 eV for Mn-Kα and 100 kcps (output)
- 0.7 srad solid angle
- Fast mapping: pixel dwell times down to 10 μs
- Low system background in EDS
- Detection of all elements down to Boron
- Detectors:
- High angle angular dark field (HAADF) detector for STEM
- Ceta 16M CMOS camera
- Diffraction modes:
- Selected Area Diffraction
- Convergent Beam Diffraction
- Nano Beam Diffraction
- Specimen Holders:
- FEI CompuStage single tilt holder
- FEI CompuStage high-visibility, low-background double tilt holder (±35° tilt range for alpha and ±30° tilt range for beta)
- Fischione tomography holder model 2020 (up to ±80°)
- Tomography TEM 4 for TEM tomography data collection
- Tomography STEM 4 for STEM tomography data collection
- ESPRIT for EDS data collection and analysis
- Velox
- Inspect3D for advanced 3D analysis of tomography data
- Sheng Zhang, Ph.D.
Electron Microscopy Specialist, Imaging Facility
Manufacturer / Model
Thermo Fisher Scientific (former FEI) / Titan Themis 200
Imaging Facility
aberration correction, electron diffraction, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), stem, tomography, transmission electron microscope (TEM)