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Photonics Initiative Spring 2024 Seminar Series: Prof. Zhi Ning Chen

Zhi Ning Chen
National University of Singapore

Friday, June 14, 2024

10:30am – 11:30am

5th Fl. Data Viz Room

Prior-knowledge Guided Machine-learning Enabled Metalens Antenna Design

Abstract –  The design of antennas aims to meet the specific requirements of a system. This design relies on materials, fabrication processes, and design methodologies. Besides natural materials, we have introduced metamaterials—artificially engineered structures that exhibit unique electromagnetic properties not found in nature—to expand the boundaries of antenna design. Furthermore, we have explored new design methodologies to extend these boundaries.

Traditionally, antenna design begins with basic designs, which are then modified or optimized to meet the specifications. However, this approach has limitations in achieving optimal performance due to constrained degrees of freedom (DoF). These limitations arise from physical constraints such as volume restrictions and feeding structures, as well as restricted design space regarding the selection of viable structures or parameters in the design process. Therefore, deep learning algorithms are being utilized to significantly increase the degrees of freedom (DoF) in antenna design. This will expand the antenna design space and hold promise for enhancing antenna performance.

This talk will focus on outlining innovative approaches to antenna design. Specifically, it will explore the prior-knowledge-guided deep learning-enabled synthesis method and demonstrate its utility in enhancing the performance of metacells and metalens antennas.

Bio – Professor Zhi Ning Chen got his two PhD degrees in China in 1993 and in Japan in 2003, respectively. Currently, Dr Chen is working as a Provost Chair Professor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore. He is serving as Director of Advanced Research and Technology Innovation Center (ARTIC) of College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore. He elevated Fellow of the Academy of Engineering, Singapore in 2019, Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (Fellow of IEEE) in 2007, Fellow and Vice President of Asia and Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association in 2021, and Fellow of Chinese Institute of Communications 2023. He is the recipient of IEEE AP-S John Kraus Antenna Award (2021). He has published 710 papers, 7 books, and 34 patents. He has been the founding general chairs of IEEE International Workshop of Antenna Technology (iWAT in 2005), IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP in 2012), Marina-Forum (Mar-For in 2021) and two important technical conferences.

This is an in-person seminar. If you opt to join via zoom use meeting ID 893 6734 2726, Passcode 750752

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Event Information

June 14, 2024
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC)
85 St. Nicholas Terrace
New York, NY 10031 United States
+ Google Map
(212) 413-3300
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