This is a Zoom training, provided by Tom Dickson with Environmental Health and Occupational Safety, to ensure that all researchers and guests of the ASRC meet safety and regulatory requirements before working in labs/ the building. There is no need to register, you can log on using the meeting ID and passcode below. After training, the instructor will then send you a certificate and our training records will be updated to show that you have completed all requirements before working the labs etc.
Of note, additional trainings on other safety related topics will be coming out in the near future. We are working with CUNY Central and several other sister CUNY schools to procure a training program that will cover many, if not all, of the other topics our researchers need and are required by the regulatory agencies. These include Biosafety, IACUC, Blood Borne Pathogens, Laser Safety, OSHA safety modules and more, with further info. to be provided soon.
To access these Zoom trainings:
Meeting ID: 878 3410 7033
Passcode: 245949
For further questions, please contact:
Thomas Dickson
Environmental Health and Occupational Safety
ASRC – Graduate Center CUNY
85 St.Nicholas Terrace
New York, NY 10031