Join us for a professional development and networking event open to all CUNY graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty interested in furthering their STEM academic research careers!
Thursday, December 9, 2021
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Ten CUNY faculty members and administrative leaders will talk about gender equity and inclusion in STEM, with an emphasis on academia, and give advice and tips on how to thrive and succeed. The audience will also have the opportunity to meet colleagues from across CUNY’s campuses during breakout sessions.
The event’s participants include:
- Patrizia Casaccia, M.D., Ph.D., Einstein Professor and Initiative Director, Advanced Science Research Center, The Graduate Center
- Saavik Ford, Ph.D., Professor, Borough of Manhattan Community College
- Nina Gray, Ph.D., Executive Director and Associate Dean, Advanced Science Research Center, The Graduate Center
- Mandë Holford, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Hunter College
- Delaram Kahrobaei, Ph.D., University Dean for Research
- Kendra Krueger, M.S., STEM Education and Outreach Manager, Advanced Science Research Center, The Graduate Center
- Tamera Schneider, Ph.D., Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
- Christina Sormani, Ph.D., Professor, Lehman College
- Yingli Tian, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, City College of New York
- Rosemarie Wesson, Ph.D., P.E., Interim Associate Provost for Research, City College of New York
Please register here for the virtual event by December 8.
Organized by the CUNY Office of Research.