In this weekly seminar series, Margaret McFall-Ngai, Director of the Division of Biosphere Sciences & Engineering, Carnegie Institution for Science, Church Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, will be giving a one-hour talk titled:
First contact: Ecological to molecular challenges during recruitment of bacterial symbionts from the environment
ABSTRACT In symbioses established through horizontal transmission, which occurs in a wide variety of animals, from sponges to mammals, evolution has selected for mechanisms that promote the recruitment of symbionts from the environment. Using the binary association between the Hawaiian bobtail squid, Euprymna scolopes, and its symbiont, Vibrio fischeri, we have explored this phenomenon. This presentation will focus on the first minutes to hours of host-symbiont interaction. Our research has discovered that a complex biophysical and biochemical dialogue between the symbiotic partners promotes the establishment of a highly specific association.
This seminar will be presented in the auditorium and via Zoom.
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For more information about this hybrid event please contact:
Hyacinth Camillieri