

February 11, 2019: Our paper on separation of valley excitons using an asymmewtric metasurface has been published in Nature Photonics. [RedCube]

January 16, 2019: Our paper on nonreciprocal cavities and the relation with the time-bandwidth limit has been published in Optica. [Press release]

January 4, 2019: Our review paper on exceptional points in optics and photonics has been published in Science.


December 31, 2018: Our paper on higher-order topological acoustic states has been published in Nature Materials. (SharedIt, News and Views, Press release, UPI, R&D, Space Daily)

December 9, 2018: Our paper on coherent cooptics for energy transfer, storage and release has been published in Optics and Photonics News, Year in Optics, as one of the featured highlights for optics research in 2018