After the great success of the first edition in 2021, which brought for the first time together the wide photonics, acoustics and metamaterials community working on wave phenomena in time-modulated systems (see dedicated Nature Photonics commentary), “Waves in Time-Varying Media” will be back May 3-5, 2023 for its second edition. This time the event will be held in person at the Advanced Science Research Center of the City University of New York
Waves in Time-Varying Media 2023 will welcome a diverse range of keynote and invited speakers selected among the key players in the field. A contributed poster session will be open for submission, with two talk spots competitively assigned to the best theoretical and the best experimental poster submissions. A number of travel grants and fee waivers will be made available to support travel expenses for students and early career researchers.
Registration will close on Sunday 30th April at 5PM EDT. Please register via this link.
For any info do not hesitate to contact us at info.wavesintimevaryingmedia@gmail.com
Genereously supported:

Dr Emanuele Galiffi
Executive Chair
Dr Paloma Arroyo Huidobro
Technical Program Coommittee Chair
Dr Yao-Ting Wang
Webmaster and technical assistance
Prof. Riccardo Sapienza
Technical Program Committee
Prof. Andrea Alú
General Chair